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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Vending Machines At School May Soon Disappear

The USDA has proposed a new rule, which could go into effect as early as next year, that would ban most candy, sugar-filled drinks, and greasy foods from being sold in our schools. The new rule would require schools to provide snacks that have less than 200 calories. Over the next 60 days, the USDA will take comments and feedback about the proposed rule. According to data, local and state regulations on unhealthy vending machines may have played a role in slowing childhood obesity rates.


  1. Heaven forbid the local governments have any say or control in the matter.

  2. My child's middle school gave out lots of candy to kids who did 80% or more of their homework for the marking period. When is this going to stop?

  3. Sodas and snacks are not the only reason for fat kids.The computer age has a lot to do with it.

  4. I don't like to agree with the thinking of the gov't and their control, and certainly I don't like the phrase that starts "when I was in school....; BUT in this case I do agree and when I went to school we did not have vending machines, and we didn't miss them, and most of us were in good weight shape.

  5. good ; long overdue, the BOA has been getting kick backs from contracts for years...

  6. 200 calories? Yeah, right. They'll just put in those "100 calorie" snacks, which are readily available all over your local grocery stores.

    The kids will just buy 2 of `em (or more) defeating the intentions of the bureaucrats.

  7. Government is in the food in schools business because they provide breakfast and lunch for lots of kids on free or reduced lunch and also dinner and even weekend snacks for some kids as well as food in the summer. They have a measure of responsibility since they're funding so much in addition to food stamps.


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