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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Universal Orlando Dropping Health Care For Part-Time Workers, Citing Obamacare

Universal Orlando will drop health insurance coverage for part-time workers starting in 2014, when a new insurance rule will go into effect under Obamacare, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Universal currently offers part-time employees low-premium coverage with limited benefits that are capped below the level allowed by Obamacare.

The plan costs about $18 a week for coverage that will pay up to $5,000 per year in hospital stays, according to the Sentinel. About 500 part-time Universal employees are currently covered under the plan.



  1. Gotta get rid of that $5000 limitation cording to Barackowhackocare. Unlimited coverage comes at a much higher premium so the only reasonable answer is to ad another 500 people to the uninsured role. Good job jerks.

  2. Obamacare is collapsing on itself slowly but surely.

  3. Unfortunately, it can't collapse on itself. It will collapse on the wage earners/taxpayers.

  4. Some democrats are now distancing themselves from Obamacare or atleast trying because they did vote for it.
    Many states have refused to expand Medicaid and are refusing to create exchanges something the feds didn't count on and that's a hugh problem because there isn't a funding mechanism in place for this with in the fed system who now must deal with the residents of these states by default.
    There are millions of people who now are unable to afford family coverage through their employer and are ineligible for the subsidy. Unions are complaining it's driving up costs for their members. There is a hugh list of troubles besides these.
    A dem senator from FL even yelled at the obamacare administrator at a hearing recently saying the people of FL are going to suffer under obamacare and he wants someone held accountable.

  5. lets borrow more from communist china

  6. Funny! It's NBCUniversal Media, LLC. NBC is now the de facto media arm of the DNC and fawned over Teh Won and his "universal" healthcare package.

  7. I'll raise you 8:39, The Fed can print more money....


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