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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Twenty-Eight Wicomico Teachers Named Semifinalists For Wicomico Teacher Of The Year

Twenty-eight educators from throughout Wicomico County Public Schools have been named semifinalists for 2013-14 Wicomico Teacher of the Year. The semifinalists will meet this week with a blue ribbon panel of judges and will find out on Thursday, March 21 who will be named the new Wicomico Teacher of the Year.The annual Wicomico Teacher of the Year banquet, with more than 200 guests including dozens of outstanding teachers, will be held at The Commons at Salisbury University beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 21. The banquet will also feature student musicians and the honoring of a new Friend of Education.
Congratulations to all of these semifinalists for 2013-14 Wicomico Teacher of the Year:


  1. When the person at the central office who used to organize this retired, a vice principal was given the responsibility for the contest and banquet. How anyone can think a school administrator has more time to do this than a central office supervisor is ludicrous.

  2. I see they are having their event at Salisbury University,,,how about supporting LOCAL Restaurants???
    You have 200 in attendance the Fountains can seat that many and
    the money would have stayed LOCAL not to go to the state coffers.

  3. Doesn't the University employ LOCAL people who in turn can spend their money LOCALY? We priced the fountains for our class reunion and wouldn't have had anyone show up at what the price tag was.

  4. How many times do the same people get a chance to win already?? It is ridiculous that some of these people have gone to this 5,6,7 times in a row. It isn't fair to all of the great teachers in those schools to have the same people return and others not get a chance. I guess eventually they just have to give it to those who went the 3rd, 4th, etc time? Just isn't fair. Congratulations to those first times school winners and good luck to all of those teachers. There are outstanding teachers who will not get a fair chance to represent their schools if the policy isn't changed. Maybe saying this on Salisbury News will help make the process more fair for all very deserving teachers.

  5. I bet Jim Ireton is NOT one of the finalists!


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