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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today's Survey Question 2-10-13

What do you think of a standing mayor, 
(Jim Ireton) 
who steals an opponents name 
to create an attack website?


  1. Turnabout is fair play.

  2. Ireton just lost my vote. The childish actions on his behalf have proven to me he does not belong in any political office. This is illegal and called cyber squatting. You now have our vote Joe.

  3. One question. Is that legal? It is obvious slander and dirty politics. If you can bring charges against Jim Ireton I certainly would.

  4. Jim Ireton has obviously been stalking Joe Albero and his website. That fist picture posted with Joe and his wife separated by a fence was taken by a good friend of the green blogger. The same one that used a Salisbury Fire Department email address along with the then acting chief and volunteer deputy chief to send numerous slurs and anti-gay hate mail about Jim Ireton. How ironic is that! And now Jim Ireton has been fighting the current city council over that position. Shows a sign of weakness and poor leadership on the part of the current mayor.

  5. He has just left the city open to a Lawsuit?

  6. DT Playing post games???February 10, 2013 at 11:22 AM

    I have tried to post a couple of comments on the daily times website but it was up one minute and down another, is this fair journalism?

  7. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    It seems a little bit creepy to me that a man would want to use another mans name. Identity theft?

  8. I think Jim is doing what Jim dose best acting like a little kid. After four years of nothing to show,no good ideas,no hope this is all you can do. Time for a leader to step up to the plate and take care of business.

  9. Jim states you see "color" then takes your name to use on a website? I find it odd. Btw I thought everyone saw color. The sky is blue the grass is green and Ireton is green with envy.

  10. So if Joe sees color. I guess Jim sees black & white.

  11. I am not goig to condem him because he is gay. To each their own. But I work with 5 gay people who are very good friends who say he makes all gay people look bad and will not vote for him.

  12. Ireton is a girl or lady , what ever.
    What do you expect ?
    Sounds a little like the house wives of Atlanta.

  13. I want to hear the story on Jim Ireton's misconduct in the ladies room of Mojo's.

  14. As I said in another post, Ireton has hit an all-new low and has brought the city shame. A man who claims to love Salisbury has just harmed its image beyond repair.

  15. Your blog is a news blog and the mayor's is just devoted to slandering you? This makes the mayor look bad.

  16. All I can say is that the Washington machine must have been pretty down on the previous Mayor in order to allow a laid back gay replace her in Salisbury. I wonder who SHE pissed off. Now, the machine is stuck with Ireton as the lesser of evils to them (Albero's challenge is not something they anticipated). White, black, red, or green, the worst thing that could happen to Salisbury is to fill the waterfront with Section (8) housing. Baltimore did it and they never stopped regretting it as it killed the flourishing Little Italy restaurant area. The city eventually had to pay to built an area all over again to relocate the criminal elements.

  17. What a disgrace...and he (Ireton) calls himself the face of Salisbury politics....shameful conduct.

  18. If Salisbury wants more of NOTHING and more low income housing please vote Salisbury the "IllEGAL Mayor blogger".

  19. A fake blog by the candidate, the mayor himself.

    Yet another reason why the man should just resign and spare the city he claims to love.

  20. My mama said "fight fire with fire"

    Let em have both barrels , he's got his panties in a wadd.

  21. Maybe I've overlooked it but the reference to the site is gone from the DT's article.

  22. The daily times wont put up my post,what is going on!

  23. Jim Ireton has never let a little thing like "FACTS" get in the way of a good LIE.

  24. Gotta love it! This is the cesspool that failures end up having to lower themselves into when they can't launch a website that draws attention to their successes.
    It's seems as though the mayor has never matured. This is schoolboy stuff.
    I've not ever gone into the mayor's teaching career and whether he qualified etc but to me this is a blantant example of an attempt at bullying, something no teacher should ever lower themselves to. He's teaching kids to bully.

  25. Salisbury is now going to get hit with a Major Lawsuit, thanks JIM.

  26. Just looked at the site - how do you know it's created by Ireton? If this has already been discussed, I missed it.


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