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Friday, February 22, 2013

The Catch-22 Of Obama’s Preschool Plan

Early childhood advocates were elated by Obama’s State of the Union proposal to vastly expand our infrastructure of early childhood programs. Economists like Nobel laureate James Heckman have long argued that early childhood education is the best financial investment a society can make. Gaps in ability that predict future life outcomes tend to open wide at an early age, so the call to level the playing field for young kids is both welcome and overdue.


  1. What a load of trash! Everytime I hear the term "level the playing field" it just seems like another way to screw the hard working people of this once great and going downhill fast country!

  2. Doesn't "level the playing field" mean taking from a hard worker and giving to a non-worker or in this case the very young children of someone who probably shouldn't have had kids because now the hard worker has to pay for those kids?


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