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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Tax Return Preparers

After a court told the Internal Revenue Service it lacks the power to regulate tax return preparers, the agency is going ahead with telling them to obtain an ID number. GovExecreports, the U.S. District Court modified a ruling from Jan. 18 that barred the IRS from any regulation of tax preparers. When the Justice Department appealed, the court said the IRS could continue to require the IDs so it could track the preparers' performance. But the agency still isn't allowed to impose testing or certification on tax preparers. The IRS already has 250 testing centers. It plans to appeal the rest of the earlier ruling.


  1. This government under Obama is out of control.

  2. Obama? Really? That is the stupidest comments ever. When the Republicans decide do do their jobs again then maybe we can get on track.

  3. Not that I am in favor of more government regulation but I did have a friend that got his taxes done by H&R Blockheads and they made a $900.00 mistake that he had to pay. Fortunately they have a policy of paying for mistakes like that. I even seen advertisments from local car dealers for the people to bring their taxes to them as part of the car deal (along with your $7,000.00 free money deal-what a joke). Bottom line is buyer beware.


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