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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Taliban Offers To Bring Peacekeepers To Chicago

As negotiations for the US withdrawal from Afghanistan have once again come to a halt , the Taliban Supreme Council has offered to level the playing field by sending a group of 400 battle-hardened Taliban peacekeepers to the U.S. city of Chicago, to help pacify one of the most violent regions in the Great Plains area of the North American continent.

With many years of combat experience in violent areas of their own country and having fought rebels, insurgents, villagers, urban militias, rival drug lords, as well as Soviet and American occupying forces on foot, horses, camels, donkeys, and trucks, they may be just what the Chicago city officials need to pacify their own population and bring the recently publicized murder rate under control.

Details as to the logistical challenges have yet to be worked out, but already many US officials are expressing support for the idea. 



  1. Obama s legacy...Chicago..hows that gun ban working for ya..you reap what you sow and welfare enmass with no hope of self relinence is what u get...you built it Obama u owe it..

  2. "After the first dozen or so public executions at Wrigley Field, even the stupidest man will understand we mean business. Then we start getting some real change"is this the change obama promissed? they want to impose sharia law and have public executions like they have in the middle east.this was obamas plan from the start but he was hoping to grab all of the citizens guns first before it got out.

  3. Allow me the right of first refusal!

  4. Send them to Detroit, no one would probably even notice.


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