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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Suggestions For Beating Those Winter Blues

BERLIN -- For those feeling the “Winter Blues” this season, riding out the gloom until spring isn’t the only option, according to Dr. Jennifer Leggour, Clinical Director at Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services (WYFCS).

Unlike the prolonged, clinical Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), winter blues is an umbrella term used to describe feelings of sadness, lethargy and fatigue commonly experienced in the period after the clocks fall back but before they spring forward.

“It’s mostly just low levels of feeling sad or down or just blah,” explained Leggour. “It’s a lack of motivation, low energy, feeling fatigued, wanting to stay inside and not go out; wanting to hibernate a little bit more.” 



  1. Come out to the LORA Gala where we will have the best music, food and plenty of fun. Great way to chase away those winter blues. March 9th at the Fountains

  2. There is something wonderful about silence except for rain falling on a tin roof.
    "In quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15.

    Only through quietness can we reach for the gentleness of God's whispers.


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