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Monday, February 25, 2013

Students Made To Wear Burqas – In Texas

There’s a new controversy in Texas involving the online public school curriculum called CSCOPE, which already has been the subject of heated debate and state legislative hearings.

There are reports now that students were made to wear Muslim burqas as part of their public school lessons.

CSCOPE has been facing criticism over its alleged Islamic and anti-American bias. It is a “curriculum management system” now used in 80 percent of Texas classrooms. It recently was the subject of a heated inquiry that culminated in hearings conducted by the Texas Senate Education Committee chaired by state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston


  1. It is time for a liberal purge of the education system!

  2. If my daughter was made to wear a burqa in class I would report the teacher and administration to social services and the police for abuse. Women are abused and murdered in the middle east for refusing to wear one. They are a form of female degradation, control and abuse. A human rights violation of the highest degree.

  3. I am getting sick and tired of being force fed the muslim culture. Please fire the teachers and principals that are forcing the kids to learn this crap. If my kids were forced to wear this crap they would more than likely be taking me out in cuffs because I would be kicking some butts.

  4. my kid would be outta there so faaast.

  5. The libs are trying to turn Texas into Detroit...Good Luck wif dat!

  6. Guess these kids are learning about all religions. Next week, they'll carry rosary beads, then yamaka's, bibles & whatever any other religion uses. If not, fire the teacher(s), principal & superintendent.

  7. Why dont they ask Muslims to wear a nuns outfit and a CROSS???


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