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Thursday, February 21, 2013

SPD Press Release 2-21-13


  1. It sounds like Brew River has gotten out of control. If their staff can't control their customers, especially having our city police making repeated visits to that business, the Bar/restaurant should be fined just as those that are fined for false alarms.

    Maybe it's time legislation is drafted to fine those businesses that are a common problem. Our police resources should not be wasted on consistant bar-room brawls.

    There are a lot of bar/restaurants here in Salisbury that don't have these repeat calls for services. So is our city police department supposed to be the security staff for the Hanna's?

    Very interesting.

  2. fine them! I had a false alarm and got fined. If they are providing routine patrols over there that is not fair.

  3. Amen to 10:45. A false alarm is certainly less bother than on-going brawls at a given establishment. One or trips a month and then a $5,000"fee" for coming again to any business.

  4. Exactly 10:56! The false alarm fines are done because supposedly they use resourses that cost taxpayers money. Same can be said for a disorderly bar that constantly needs to call the police.

  5. It would seem to me that Brew River attempted to make a silk purse out of a sows ear to begin with. I would truly love to see Brew River as the Pub once was ..but I would be worried about that neighborhood at night. I'm not certain why the place was built there in the first place. If they wanted to be water front they could have built across the river or they could have helped revitalize downtown by moving closer in. Were they promised something in return for building there? Now section 8 housing looms next door. Pack it in and say good night.


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