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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Smoking Banned From Baltimore Sports Complexes

Maryland Stadium Authority officials say they will prohibit smoking at the Camden Yards Sports Complex and M & T Bank Stadium.

Officials announced the new policy on Monday. The policy will also make it illegal to smoke any tobacco product within 25 feet of any entry.

A spokesman for the authority says the rule will take effect March 4 and will apply to all games and events held within Oriole Park at Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium.



  1. Cannot believe this is new, I would have thought this was in effect along time ago.

  2. Good news though, Governor Mooron says Marijuana is okay though....

  3. I remember when the very end of the mezzanine in Memorial Stadium was the pot smoking section.

  4. I wonder how many lifetime fans and ticket holders wont go to games because the people around think second hand smoke is worst than all the car exhaust you breath in that city

  5. They should have a cigar lounge like the Redskins do, but open it up to all. Judging by the price of the beer at games, they could charge $1/cigarette with a 3 smoke minimum to enter and make bank. That, my friend, is how the free market would take care of the problem. Smokers are happy, non-smokers are happy and the teams make money.

  6. Want to smoke, just go out to Boog's pit beef and inhale : )

    I guess people could dip and spit?

  7. So much for the second hand smoke argument .its an open space!!! more erroision of freedoms regardless of your opioion on smoking ...another corner to be painted into on my rights...beware you donut health care sucking fatty, gun toting taxpayer, christan conservatives your next!

  8. Unless, of course, it's marijuana.

  9. But of course it's okay for fans there to drink up a storm and leave half drunk.....I would rather be around a smoker than to have beer spilled on me again because someone doesn't know when to stop and can't even hold on to their cup. Smokers hurt themselves. Drinkers hurt themselves and others. Just saying....

  10. More erosion of your freedoms my ass. I wouldn't care if smokers wanted to kill themselves cleanly, but why do 99% of all smokers throw their trash (butts) on the ground when they are done damaging their lungs? I look at the butt flicked out of the car window no differently than throwing a can or a bag of trash.

    Go to a ball game or anywhere outside where people smoke and all you see is their filth on the ground where they stood pounding down coffin nails. Now if you wish to kill yourself in the comfort of your own yard or home, go for it, just don't sue the manufacturer when you get the Big C.


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