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Thursday, February 07, 2013


  • Dr. Benjamin Carson delivered a noteworthy National Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in President Barack Obama’s presence
  • Carson attacked political correctness as a “dangerous” threat to free speech and encouraged Americans to boldly share their views
  • The pediatric neurosurgeon also provided his theories about the national debt, deficits, taxation and health care, taking stances that were opposed to the president’s
  • Obama watched intently as Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes
One of the more unique speeches delivered at this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast came from Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Taking the stage before President Barack Obama’s faith-filled address, Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes, tackling issues ranging from education to personal responsibility. His keynote, while predicated upon the theme of Jesus Christ as his ultimate role model, also took a starkly political tone, advocating against some of the very policies the president has implemented.


  1. Our President the laughing stock of the World very sad, I hope you libtards are happy.

  2. Go Ben go! If only Obama had intelligence enough to consult with such a professional.

  3. I wish Benjaimin Carson was our president.

  4. He must be republican, he makes sence.

  5. 8:15pm-very wise comment; unfortunately he is too proud and too arrogant.

  6. I've always liked Ben Carson, especially after I read his book "Gifted Hands."

    He came very close to becoming a street thug and if he didn't change his ways he would more than likely be in jail today. He is proof positive that a black man can be successful in life and not depend on entitlements.

  7. I'm not sure if she is still living but Dr Carson's mother is first class. She is an inspiration to mothers. He grew up in a poverty crime stricken area of Detroit. His mother was determined to keep him off the streets and made him read everyday and wouuld quiz him to make sure he was really doing it. It wasn't until years later that he found out she couldn't read.
    She was a first class lady and a real mother who wanted more than she herself had for her son. She put him first in her life and saw to it that he amounted to way much more than a common street thug and now this man is a blessing to the world and a real true role model.

  8. Now you know obama's sitting there thinking "who let him in?"

    Nothing better than seeing obama squirming while getting a good ole slapdown by such a great man as Dr Carson.
    These 2 couldn't be more different than night and day. Dr Carson an honest, truly successful, brilliant, gentleman and then there obama functionally illiterate in every aspect of his job, who constantly has some kind ghetto hustle going on to fool his supporters into thinking he's doing it for them.

  9. 958 sounds alot like the story of Jayz but I guarantee there is a certain poster here that will disagree.

  10. I saw Ben Carson years ago when he came down to Ocean City to speak at a conference. Wow, what a gifted man! Obama looked so rude the entire time Dr. Carson was speaking - what a loser president we have. Wish we had someone like Dr. Carson to lead our country rather than the communist we have now. He is so arrogant! (OBAMA)

  11. Dr. Ben Carlson is an amazing person.

  12. Use your head 8:33. There could be nothing more ignorant, overly stupid or asinine than to compare Dr Carson to Jay Z. Jay Z glorifies gangs and promotes violence and drugs. Dr Carson saves the lives of people including those who are "inspired" by Jay Z.
    Only someone with a feeble mind would ever think to compare these

  13. i had the privilege to meet him many years ago when he cared for my son. he is very dedicated, very intelligent and most importantly, very godly. without a doubt he was by far, the smartest man in that room.

  14. @8:15 obama probably didn't understand a word Dr. Carson spoke. all Greek to him, as it were.

  15. Can someone please explain how he was directing the comments to the president like some here suggest? Seems like he's talking about the entire political system. Someone even claimed that Obame was looking "rude" at him. What on earth does that mean?

  16. "Anonymous said...
    958 sounds alot like the story of Jayz but I guarantee there is a certain poster here that will disagree.

    February 8, 2013 at 8:33 AM"

    Anyone with an ounce of sense is going to disagree. Jay Z was born ghetto trash and remains ghetto trash in other words a thug. He only makes money because he promotes violence. He is the worst society has to offer. He isn't fit to breath the same air as someone of Dr Carson's stature.
    JayZ is responsible for kids looking up to gang members and joining gangs. Dr Carson attempts to put them back together when they experiece the violence that Jay Z promotes.
    It's a sick mind that would compare these 2 men-a sick twisted mind!!!

  17. Ben Carson had better be ready for the wrath of the Obamanites. Anything that exposes the communist glorious leader's stupidity will be answered with some sort of persecution or worse.

  18. LOL, JayZ sells entertainment, just like Scorcece (sp?), Deniro, Pacino,even DeCaprio these days. Oh I forgot; it's rap so that doesn't count. Bet you wouldn't say that if you owned the record store that sees a nice uptick in business everytime a guy like JayZ drops an album. Or how about if you were an executive at the distribution company, or an investor in his tours, or just the kid who's getting paid for keeping the studio cleaned up. I can go on.

  19. I too met Dr. Carson at Hopkins and he was so humble and such a class act I was in awe. I had read his book and I stopped him in the hall to tell him how much I appreciated him sharing his story with us.

  20. 1148 I was going to point out the obvious sentiment this morning. But decided not to since you know this crowd doesn't see that their blind allegiance to one side of the aisle has kept them ignorant of the fact that both parties have brought this country to its current destination.

  21. "Anonymous said...
    Can someone please explain how he was directing the comments to the president like some here suggest? Seems like he's talking about the entire political system. Someone even claimed that Obame was looking "rude" at him. What on earth does that mean?

    February 8, 2013 at 11:48 AM"

    Dr Carson spoke out against the very things that obama embraces. He was not talking about the "political system" at all.
    He spoke against taxing those considered "rich" more-obama has always said the "rich" need to pay more. Dr Carson also spoke harshly and critically about obamacare and offered his own ideas. I watched as as far as speaking out against the "politically system" I didn't see that at all. Maybe you can explain.
    obama was taking gas. Here was a man that obama isn't fit to lick dog crap off of his shoe giving him a public slapdown and he's an African American to boot.
    "Ghetto girl" wife(not my name for her. It's what she was called by affluent African America's on Martha's Vineyard where the obama's vacationed his first year as prez. They never went back after that public slapdown either) was fit to be tied also.


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