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Saturday, February 23, 2013

School Board Proposes Pay Raises For All Employees

SNOW HILL -- The Worcester County Board of Education is proposing a FY2014 operating budget that would include salary increases for all employees, funding to replace grant money that supports After School Programs and additional funding for technology.

The proposed budget includes a step increase for all eligible employees as well as a 1-percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all employees to “begin restoring stagnant wages,” according to a memo from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jerry Wilson. Additionally, there would be an estimated 5-percent increase in health insurance rates.

“We have a strong desire to maintain and support our outstanding classroom teachers and staff who do a great job every day working with our students,” Wilson said.



  1. Superintendent of Worcester has a great reputation for honesty, just like Dr. Andes did. Both accept responsibility for what they direct staff to do. I imagine many from a neighboring county will apply there, not for the 1% but for the ethical leadership.

  2. My pay went from $60k with benefits to $8,000 without bennies. I hope they can look me in the face without getting theirs punched out.

  3. Yeah, now the thief is caught. Tell us, what days of the week she'll be working so we can stop in to thank her for "fessing up" and especially the repayment...


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