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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Reporter Corners Carney: Why Is Obama For Drone Strikes And Against Water Boarding?

A reporter asked Jay Carney to explain the President's changing positions on human rights issues in war. The reporter asked, "The President strongly opposed the 'enhanced interrogation techniques,' so called, of the Bush administration. He ended them. How does dropping a bomb on an American citizen without any judicial review, any trial, not raise the very human rights questions, or more human rights questions than something like water boarding?"
See Video HERE


  1. I hope Obama does not on a AR 15

  2. What a disturbing development. The last I read, the legal "reasoning" behind the document is CLASSIFIED. We will tell you its legal (in the most vague of terms), but the actual BASIS for our legal reasoning is a SECRET? People laughed when I said these drones will one day be armed and used against citizens in the USA. You can quit laughing now. How much do you have to see before you realize that power corrupts (even in a republic) and it gets worse not better? We aren't even SLIDING down the slippery slope any more -- we are TUMBLING head over heels. The Patriot Act and the NDAA set the stage for secret trials and prisons (IN the USA!), warrantless searches, secret apprehensions and detainments of US citizens (IN the USA!), and now a vague and ambiguous "determination" that the President can KILL Americans without charges or trials. You don't think these same lawyers can come up some SECRET reasoning that allow them to do it to Americans IN THE USA!? If you don't think so, YOU need some evaluation...

  3. Because he likes to protect MUSLIMS and not Americans... don't you get it.

  4. Where is the puppeteer? I didn't see the strings running from the puppeteer to Carney's mouth.

  5. Against waterboarding any muslim but fine with slaving and oppressing an entire nation of Americans.

  6. I thought it was alarming when he killed a Muslim guy "asset" who was spying FOR us. Nobamas has spoken on record that he thinks the US Constitution is flawed and doesn't believe in it. The fact that people weren't paying attention is why we are here today.

    Sad, really sad.

  7. Not too hard of a question to answer when you think about it. We (the US) dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan that killed thousands yet we abhor the torture that the Japanese imposed on other Asian countries during their imperial run. Big difference between what goes on when on the battle field and what you do to a combatant after capture.

  8. Funny how the Obama cultists (ALEX) are strangely silent on the FACT Obama ordered a drone strike on a 16 YEAR OLD FROM DENVER and dropped a bomb on him, killing him. But we waterboarded a terrorist and he revealed info that saved lives, and was not harmed in the process. But because it was Bush it was for worse. There is no end to the hypocrisy of the left.

  9. Why have'nt impeachment proceedings been started for the Muslim/Communist POTUS and his administration's many crimes against the people including this one? Is it because a majority of the politicians have been compromised in one way or another?
    Is it time for a revolution? After all it's been done before. I know the cost is high but who ever said freedom was free?


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