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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Report: Administration To Turn Over Benghazi Documents to Congress

President Obama has agreed to turn over to Congress more internal documents relating to last year's terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, in order to get a vote on his nominee to head the CIA, the Associated Press reports.

The documents include emails showing the internal debate among intelligence agencies about how to characterize the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans at the U.S. mission in Libya. Republicans have accused the administration of misleading the public about the attack to avoid undermining Obama's lead on national security ahead of the November elections.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has delayed a vote on John Brennan to be the next head of the CIA after requesting more documents about the administration's drone program and targeted killings. It's not clear if the Benghazi documents will be enough to satisfy Republicans or if they'll continue to press for more information on the drone program as well.



  1. Yes it's time. If they couldn't doctor them up by now they will never get them doctored up so let's just quit wasting MONEY.

  2. and they will be as good as Obama's birth certificate

  3. Of course, now that they've had ample time to get their story straight.

    You don't think they would actually lie to us, do you?

  4. Probably, like a medical record, they can write anything they want...

  5. What a joke, the congress needs to get Obama's a$$ up there and tell exactly where he was when the order was given to the people that could have helped the 4 victims to STAND DOWN. Or at least get Mrs. Clinton's a$$ back up there ask ask her REAL questions that she has time to give REAL answers to. If she responds again with "what does it matter" "who cares" throw her a$$ in jail for contempt and being a traitor. Oh and McCain can stay home this time, he is irrelevant. We the people are fed up with the lies and corruption. If the government will not do its job they will force the people to act.


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