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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Proposals To Reinforce Open Meetings Compliance Face Hearing

Bills to increase compliance with the Open Meetings Act by public bodies in Maryland and stiffen penalties for violating the law will get a hearing Thursday afternoon in the House Health and Government Operations Committee.

One of the bills, sponsored by Del. Dan Morhaim who chairs the Government Operations Subcommittee, is significantly different than what MarylandReporter.com initially reported in January.

Back then, before the legislation was drafted and introduced, Morhaim, D-Baltimore County, said he wanted the Open Meetings Compliance Board to be able to fine public bodies that close meetings improperly from $1,000 to $10,000. The unpaid panel reviews complaints from the public and rules on whether public bodies have complied with the law, but it cannot issue fines, impose penalties or reverse actions on public business taken behind closed doors.



  1. fining an organization any amount won't help. They need to fine the people who violate the law, and disgracefully bar them from holding public office if they repeatedly violate the law.

  2. Watched the special meeting on PAC14 yesterday. Laura Mitchell was thumping her chest about how she would risk a $100 fine. Now we read this and find out they haven't even passed a law with a fine in it yet.

    Mitchell needs to stop blowing smoke up everyone's tail. Can't believe her any more than her buddy Liarton now.

  3. In the last couple of years, Salisbury has been good about this. Mitchell's complaint is b.s.

    I'm really disappointed in her. She fooled our family, just like Louise Smith. I thought she was going to be good, but she isn't. She spends all her time promoting herself, bashing other council members and running off to state and national events.

  4. Yes. Mitchell runs off to dinners and social events at tax payer expense. She ran on a platform of civility adn is the most uncivil city official (iwth the exception of Ireton) that I can recall. I will be continuing to vote for Campbell who has served us with honor and integrity and stands up for us even when it means that she gets smeared in what some call a NEWSpaper. I will be putting her sign in my yard today and encourage other supporters to call her or e-mail her and do the same. This is going to be a tough race for her. At the NAACP debates, it was clear that her male opponents say what they think the public wants to hear, but it isn't based in truth. As someone who attends and watches meetings, I can say that for sure. We don't need any more like Mitchell, SMith, Dunn, etc.


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