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Monday, February 04, 2013

Proper Dog Shelter

Hi Joe,

I know you're a real pet lover and so am I. It really concerns me when people are so heartless especially when the temps are extreme. They don't even provide the basics fresh water, food and proper shelter. A CRATE IS NOT PROPER SHELTER!!!!!! There was a segment on the WBOC news back in Sept. about a dog whose only shelter was a crate. It showed the crate upside down and on its side with water inside. I can't believe people are that unkind. With the extremely cold temps we've had recently it concerns me that there are pets out there trying to survive. Why have a pet if you aren't going to at least provide the basics? 

I contacted Blair Ritchey , at The Career Technnolgy Center by Parkside, to see if he would be interested in a doghouse project for the students to get involved in? He said "yes, but would need the funds to do so." 

Could you get this out to the community so maybe some of the contractors, businesses, roofers or the public who loves animals could help donate supplies. Scrapes of lumber, shingles, screws, nails, money, anything would be greatly appreciated. Blair Ritchey can be contacted at 410-677-5144.


  1. There is hope yet for the human race.

  2. Did I read on the Wicomico County Humane Society site that they are working with the students at Parkside to build appropriate shelters for dogs? I'm almost positive that I did.

  3. Check out the Community Foundation for a grant! www.cfes.org

  4. Excellant idea!

    It's against "County Law" to leave a dog outside when it's under 32 degrees!!! Contact the proper authorities so they can fine them. Think that's the Humane Society --- if they aren't open call the Police. Someone Has tO Inforce the laws! Find out to whom you speak so you can contact them again if something isn't done.

    I don't know what City Laws are but you can contact the Police to find out. I know from the past they were very good about my call into them about a dog whose chain was wrapped aroung a tree & he couldnt get to his house, food or shelter. Some people are unbelievablely inhumane!!!

  5. So great to see animal lovers in our community looking out. I hope this post helps keep more animals safe and warm in these crazy temperatures.

  6. The Wicomico County Humane Society was suppose to be heading this project. But after numerous calls & emails for over 2 weeks, David Fitzerald has not gone to The Career Technology Center to give approval of the completed dog houses. Also, when a call was made to him to pick up a dog house that had been given to the Shelter...his response was that they couldn't be given at random because they had to be approved as good pet owners (a good pet owner would not need a dog house). My opinion would be...take the dog house & straw & check for current vaccines & give owners notice to comply or the pet & dog house will be taken. As far as making a call to the proper authorities...Wicomico County: I called about a 14-yr-old dog abandoned out behind a trailer & the animal control officer said...if there was a dog house, she would have to leave a 24-48 hr notice on the abandoned residence before she could take the dog. City of Salisbury: after over a year of complaints about a pitbull tied out in all kinds of weather without shelter & the owner getting away with it because they said it was an inside dog just out to get some air. The police were involved a week ago & told the people that had complained to stay away because there was a "No Trespassing" sign & they could get arrested. The dog remained tied out. Some caring people ended up taking it a dog house with straw & it is a happy ending for the dog, the owner, the worried people, & the donors. Town of Berlin: where the authorities couldn't make the owner take better care of the dog because they were in "compliance". The dog got help when someone talked to the owner, gave him straw & 50 lb bag of dogfood & the dog house got put inside a 3-sided building so the dog had shelter. Again...happy dog, happy owner, happy concerned citizens & happy donor. That people is why we need to change the dog laws to PROTECT the pets from abuse with enforceable codes. Most important, find a way to help the pet...if you see a stray try to get it, if you see a hungry dog feed it, & if it needs shelter ask the owner if you can help. Proverbs 31:8 "Open your mouth for the dumb [those unable to speak for themselves], for the rights of ALL that are left desolate & defenseless."

  7. Blair and his students buildt our dog house. It is sturdy and warm. Great idea!

  8. Why can't Mr. Fitzgerald drive to Parkside and look at a doghouse?


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