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Monday, February 11, 2013

Price Of Gas Approaches $4 A Gallon

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Hold on to your wallets. Gas prices make the biggest February jump in decades.

Adam May explains why.

At the rate we’re going experts say $4 a gallon is just around the corner.

2013 is on track to be one of the most expensive years to fill ‘er up. Gas prices in Maryland–up 16 cents in just one month–nationally up 17 cents. AAA says it’s just the beginning.

“The way prices have been increasing over the past few weeks we wouldn’t be surprised to see prices approach near $4 a gallon here in Maryland,” said Christine Delise, AAA.



  1. United States Social Republic USSRFebruary 11, 2013 at 5:33 PM


    We are building Muslim Mosques over seas.

    If this was during a Republican administration the left would be going nuts.

  2. and not ONE word of mention on the Main STREAM media OR EVEN LOCAL WBOC. those guys SUCK. IF this was George Bush OR ANY REPUBLICAN they would be calling for his resignation

  3. The election is over....

  4. Of course the closing of the refinery in NJ has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rise in gas prices w/in 3 days??? R U adz hoes totally oblivious ? Fox news didn't tell you?

  5. 6:08 There will be an election for many senators and congressmen in 2014. Time to send democrats packin, especially in Maryland.

  6. Please see the truth here. Do you realize that the value of fuel isn't going up? The value of the dollar is going down. Now it takes more of these worthless dollars to buy the same amount of fuel. And the more they print or we borrow the less those dollars are worth. it's over. Count your blessings - not your dollars. Better prepare to provide for yourselves.

  7. If omally had his gas tax hike it could be worse.

  8. Why not. Election is over. Not that it went that much down anyways...

  9. I drive as little as possible, stay home and save my money and stash all I can because we all know what's coming and it isn't going to be pretty.

  10. Stashing money isn't the answer because if it gets that bad the green stuff will not be worth the paper it is printed on.

  11. 8:44 That is true however don't forget Obama's pre-2008 campaign rhetoric of saying he would like to see gas prices to go up to $8 plus to cut consumption which would be "good for the country". As usual the low information voters were'nt paying attention. Between dollar devaluation and Obama's goal of pricing gas out of reach of the average American citizen I don't think the future is rosey.

  12. And if you think gas prices going up are bad, you should see medicine prices. I guess this is the precursor to Obamacare. I suffer from horrific migraine headaches. I take a migraine medicine called Zomig. It used to cost me $202.00 for 6 pills. Yes, that is right--a cost of 33.66 per pill. This is to relieve me of my almost daily headaches. Yesterday I filled the same prescription. The new price was $352.99 for 6 pills. That is a cost of 58.83 for each pill. A 75% increase in cost. The really lovely thing is that I have no insurance since losing my full time job. For the past year and a half I have only had a part-time job, (which I am grateful to have, don't get me wrong,) but I have no insurance. I thank God that I have no children because you are right--it won't be pretty and I think gas is just the tip of the iceburg.


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