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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Police Investigate Murder Of UMES Student

PRINCESS ANNE, Md. (WJZ) — A UMES student was murdered Saturday night and police are searching for those responsible.

Police say 21-year-old Edmond St. Clair, from Severn, died of injuries sustained from an assault stemming from an altercation on campus.

Police are searching for three suspects who are identified as African-American men in their late teens or early twenties.



  1. OK so UMES invites a Rapper that spews hate to entertain on Homecoming weekend and then they wonder why someone is killed.

  2. And he is arrested enroute to the event. Great role model for the kids albeit many are already morally challenged.

  3. This is why I find omalley and the rest of the gun control crowd so repulsive. The goal should be an attempt to combat violence in general. Now had this poor kid been killed with a firearm he would have been omalley's poster boy for gun control. Since he was stabbed he will be forgotten by all of these fake phoney putrid politicans we have the displeasure of being represent by.

  4. See, gun control is working. Without the laws that we have in Maryland this could have very easily have been a murder by an assult rifle or handgun. Whew....that was a close call. Now if our lawmakers would get to work on banning those dangerous knives out there on the streets.

  5. Then the state police pose for pictures. More great role model's

  6. I don't believe the rapper is the result of the Murder. Everyday "things" happen at UMES that we the public never hear about. Lets face it UMES is a haven for thugs. (and I don't mean everyone) Get rid of the trash and then maybe it could be a decent school. The proof is there, stand up and do something about it.

  7. 11:32 you hit the nail on the head. Time to ban all knives.

  8. Most of the violence at UMES isn't the students unfortunately it's the Princess Anne and Salisbury locals who travel to campus for events and comitt crimes. I wouldn't be surprised if the assailants were from Princess Anne or Salisbury!

  9. LOL 2 chains doesn't spew hate, the guy makes party music! But to the average suburbanite all Rap is scary and hateful!

  10. I agree 12:03 and don't think it's the students either. Something has to be done. We cannot have parents sending their children to college in our neck of the woods only to have them murdered or some other form of violence perpetrated against them.

  11. Wow, I actually grew up with this kid. Sad to see another guy that I used to know die so young, especially when it's because someone else was playing God with his life. People are f'ed up.

  12. I'm riding round my side of town
    Boxin gloves, I beat the trial
    I had a coke, I had a smile
    I had a coat for every style, crocodile the gator type
    I'm allergic to the hater type, I'll take your wife, give her back
    Nine months after that, similac
    Similar to saying mama's baby's daddy maybe
    When we had sex I was in the Mercedes
    And I ain't crazy but if that's my baby
    Then we gonna have to name the lil' baby Mercedes
    The money that I'm makin I don't see it like I'm blind
    I rather spend money baby I don't spend time
    My pocket's on full and so is my gas tank
    And all my cars got gas in the ash tray great DANCE MUSIC!!!!???!!!

  13. Fights, riots, stabbings, arrests occur at every large scale UMES event. Many of these events occur in Salisbury, so you don't hear about a connection with UMES. The "University" should be shut down. If it was a private business, it would be closed.
    This place is thug university.

  14. 12:34
    The songs I found used the N word so much I didn't even bother to post them because I know Joe would have rejected the comment.

  15. 12:04 You are part of the problem. Your attitude is what is scary.
    (See 12:34, 12:39, 12:43)

  16. Joe did you see what the Daily Times is doing? They are having Town Hall Meeting and taking StrawPolls without the candidiates there. I bet they are going to say most people are voting for Jim.

  17. There are several offensive comments on this thread. First off we need to recognize that there is violence on every college campus not just UMES. COllege park increases police presence during their homecomming weekend as well. Its interesting that the reaction is different when its a act of violence at a non HBCU. THis is no less tragic then the events of school violence at virgina tech. THese kids are not thugs they are kids who cared enough about thier future to attend college which is more then some of you . UMES has produced several succecfull graduates who have grown to great professionals. can we focus as a community in supporting the family of the student and the campus community that lost one of their friends.

  18. Oh Lovely! Just a few nights ago, 2 Chainz made his appearance here after being stopped by the MSP. On top of that, the two troopers pose proudly smiling with this loser dude whose music is repulsive. I guess the President of UMES is standing proud today for her even allowing someone like this dude to perform for the university event, and then two days later one of her students is murdered. She is not a good example for a University President.

  19. Rapper 2 chains also graduated from Alabama State Unjversity with a 3.85 gpa. And regardless of whether or not you like his music he is a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE I just don't understand how someone can relate a concert on thursday to a stabbing @ 9pm Saturday!

  20. Last year homecoming shooting was two men from Salisbury, trust me the students at UMES are not fond of the local element that comes with Homecoming!! And off campus events have nothing to do with UMES and how can you differentiate UMES students and any random African American you see! It's not like there walking around with their student ID on display!

  21. What does the university want to hide? I notice on their website the last security alert in the public safety page is dated Oct. 4, 2012. (By the way, the public safety link is hidden as a link to administrative affairs.)

    I guess a murder is just another day at UMES.

  22. Governor O'Dumbass we need knife control now

  23. Knives don't kill people, criminals with knives kill people.

  24. I think we should ban all knives and guns and just let Americans eat with plastic sporks.

  25. I could kill you with a potato, a grocery bag, a roll of nickels, a guitar string or a #2 pencil.

    Regulate them, or hope to regulate my behavior. What'll it be?

  26. @ 2:23 UMES president Juliette Bell is an excellent President and UMES is lucky to have her she is a very intelligent accomplished woman and a great leader! Let's not forget the homecoming concert makes $$ for the University. 2 chains helped them sell 1200 tickets at 35 dollars a piece also!

    @2:32 your info is flawed public safety alerts were sent to all faculty and staff, UMES police department is very forthcoming regarding incidents on campus, it's very rare for something like this to happen but looking at recent events unuversities as a whole are having a serious problem!

  27. This is just horrible and equally as horrible are politicians who are using the Sandy Hook tragedy as a platform. Violence is violence and in the end it doesn't matter to the victims family and friends how they were killed. They are just as dead.
    The focus should be on why murder happens and not what instument was used.

  28. I used to visit UMES 5 days a week as part of a service contract. There are more than just black students there to begin with. The campus police always impressed me as adult and courteous. Same goes for the students that I saw at the beginning of classes. The bad apples if you will seemed more to be on the Staff side of the University ranging from watching employees loading goods (food?) into their trunks at the bus stop to State Highway employees stopping for breakfast while letting their trucks idle at the bus stop. Recently, there was a fuss regarding the Staff at UMES selling racially oriented T shirts. Then, there was the story about the rapper, one of the KEY entertainers making up homecoming festivities being arrested for drug possession. IT IS A CRIME what the staff is doing for these kids. These are upcoming adults going to college presumably to make a better life for themselves and perhaps better than what their parents had. To have UMES STAFF focus on issues that have nothing to do with academic excellence for these kids is a crime. They really should be weeded out and fired. In the most recent incident, what is the purpose of "home coming"? Is it "work hard and you may become a wealthy rapper" or is it work hard, study hard, and you will reward yourself as well as those around you a great to be alive attitude and nobody really would have an incentive to take the chance of success away from anyone who is willing to work for it. CRIME should not be a reason to live. Oh.. One last thing.. This is not the attitude I would ever expect from Mr. Ireton as Mayor. He needs to be taken down so that everyone has the chance for success. Subsidized (MORE!) housing in Salisbury give no dignity to anyone. Good luck to you Mr. Albero.

  29. 4:56 - I can't get the alerts because I am not a student. I tried to sign up but obviously don't have a student ID. I'm just a neighboring property owner concerned about the safety of my town, but I don't count.

  30. QUOTING 4:56 PM

    "@ 2:23 UMES president Juliette Bell is an excellent President and UMES is lucky to have her she is a very intelligent accomplished woman and a great leader! Let's not forget the homecoming concert makes $$ for the University. 2 chains helped them sell 1200 tickets at 35 dollars a piece also! "
    Well then all that $42,000.00 raised for just one persons life man what a bargain last week was for UMES!!

  31. police shortage...an acting chief of police...many of the officers there are actively trying to leave - but the administration is satisfied with public safety! But the same can be said about Salisbury University who has ALOT of crime (not in the public eye..had a mad exit of officers the last 6 months due to an lazy chief of police and discriminatory tactics by his staff. Both universities are pathetic!!

  32. 9:15 pm, remember that the staff (and I don't mean faculty) are going to be drawn from the local population.


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