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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pelosi: ‘We Avow The First Amendment’ Because ‘People Have a Right To A Gun’

As Nancy Pelosi appeared on Fox News Sunday with host Chris Wallace, she didn’t seem to know the difference between the First Amendment and the Second Amendment.
During her February 10 segment, Pelosi premised her conversation by pointing out that Japan has, “the most violent games and the rest and the lowest mortality from guns.” This, Pelosi imagined, was because Japan “might have good gun laws.”

The Democrat House Minority Leader then went on to tell Wallace that the First Amendment gave Americans the right to have a gun and that was a thing she and the Democrats want to “avow.”

We’re talking about no further sales of assault weapons. What is the justification for an assault weapon? No further sales of those, no further sales of the increased capacity, 30 rounds in a gun. We’re talking about background checks which is very popular, even among gun owners, and, hunters.

We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves in their homes and their jobs, where ever, and that they–and their workplace–and that they, for recreation for hunting and the rest. So we’re not questioning their right to do that.


  1. Soooo, in basic form, Ms. Peloski, you have never read the Constitution to which you have taken an oath to protect and uphold. Nice move. Maybe reading lessons are in your future? Or, on the other hand, ignorance is bliss?

  2. "We’re talking about background checks which is very popular, even among gun owners, and, hunters."

    So if I want to buy a gun to go hunting I need a background check, but Obama isn't required to have a background check to be the President??

  3. The only job that provides unlimited power, but requires no prior education, no prior experience, no minimum requirements, no nothing.


  4. Bat crap crazy Nancy Pelosi needs to thoroughly check her bosses background. When that is complete I'll recognize Obama as president.
    Not until.

  5. She is pure genius. What is going on in her district, where they don't let this criminal get back to office? WTF

  6. This woman's job requires two things...

    1. Represent the constituents in her district.

    2. Uphold and protect the US Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

    She obviously fails in aspect #2, because she has no idea what the first and second amendments say, or why they were even included in the Bill of Rights.

    The whole purpose of the 2nd amendment is to protect citizens from a tyrannical government. As such, assault weapons are essential for people to be able to own.

    And registration or federal background checks are a bad idea. Before they take guns, the guns get registered. And while background checks are a good idea in many ways, once you appear on a list that list is going to get misused one day. I could see thugs being sent to sweep through all of those houses looking for problems.

    Our Constitution isn't perfect. But when people play by those rules it works pretty darn well, all things considered. And there are ways to change it, if necessary. Allowing people the right to vote at 18 passed in about a year, if I remember correctly. Why? Because the people wanted the change. If people can't get an amendment banning guns, it's because the people don't want to ban guns. Accept it and move on!


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