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Saturday, February 09, 2013


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced Friday that she will bring a fourth-grade girl from Newtown, CT to be her guest at the coming State of the Union Address.

The mother of the fourth-grader will also attend.

This particular child is not a student from Sandy Hook Elementary, but Pelosi chose her because of a letter she wrote asking government officials to "ban semi-automatic weapons."



  1. last time i checked with my kids, they couldnt write ANYTHING other than a few numbers and letter, who are these 4 year olds writing letters regarding SEMI automatic weapons (oh, such the same weapons that we NOT used when that idiotic nut kid went on his rampage)

  2. There are hundreds of semi-auto firearms that are used by hunters and target shooters. The blanket description, semi-auto weapon, would remove those already in use for legitimate purposes and have no effect on the crimes we have recently witnessed. These gun-bashers do not have their definitions correct and the result will be an ecomomic, unfair, and futile attempt at solving a miniscule problem with gargantuan regulations.

  3. Maybe she could have a photo-op w/ the kid on one knee and MOM on her other.

  4. Does he have any children?

    If not I understand why , who could ever make a baby with that face looking at you, looks like death sucking a pickle.

  5. Using the children...despicable!

  6. 11:51, FYI, These are the same 4 year olds writing the new tax legislation and creating new departments within the IRS. They are also the ones writing the drone policies for the Amerikan Citizenry.

    Jeeze! I thought everybody knew that!

  7. What sad commentary when the power grabbing politicians exploit the 2nd amendment with kids. Shameful. Absolutely shameful.

  8. WTH!! Since when are 4th graders experts on semi-automatic weapons? Guess what they are not. This is nothing more than exploiting children to tug at the heart strings of the Kool Aid drinkers and soft hearted RINO's.

  9. Since it's not a child from Sandy Hook Elementary School then maybe Sandy Hook was nothing more than a hoax as being reported.

  10. I do not support the gun ban. I did try to click on the article so I could see where so many people got the idea that it was written by a 4 year old but I got the page cannot be displayed error. The post itself says it is a 4th grader. Big difference! Let me say again, I do not support the gun ban but I DO think that people who can't read well enough to think that a 4th grader is 4 years old should NOT be able to own a gun of any kind.

  11. Sick!! Both Pelosi & O"Malley...2 politicians who will do ANYTHING to further their agenda of destroying freedom.

  12. 7:48, you're beyond moron. I hope you don't breed.

  13. More liberal fear-mongering...using kids no less. What a slimy bunch of hypocrites.

  14. Conservatives should use precious children as props the next time the debate about late-term abortion comes up.

  15. Alex is that your kid. We all know your a libatard. How low can you go.

  16. Hmmmm.....I wonder how the democrats would take a commercial critcizing abortion and THEIR particular stance on it by showing a surgical table with the remains of aborted fetuses. Throw in a few trimester abortion examples. Leave the blood and tools on the table, too. Then start screaming about "its for our precious CHILDREN for God's sake! If we can save JUST ONE LIFE!!!". Care about kids or anyone's LIFE!? Are they kidding? They are VERY selective about whose lives they want to protect. Mostly, its just their own. But they are also politicians. That explains it all.

  17. When the facts don't add up It's time to play the emotion card.

  18. Sandy hook the libtard legacy...anyone who falls for this crap is a useful idiot

  19. 10:51 probably not much lower than your intelligent outburst.

  20. 8:39 what's your favorite flavor of Kool Aid?

  21. Alex can even sniff out when he is being called out!

  22. Alex is just another anti second amendment Obama worshiper. He must of got one dem fre foons


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