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Saturday, February 23, 2013

O’Malley’s Voting Expansion Proposal Raises Concerns About Fraud, Security

Gov. Martin O’Malley’s bill to expand voting debuted in Annapolis Thursday, calling for more early voting days, same day voter registration and an opportunity for all Marylanders to obtain absentee ballots online.

But critics, including members of the governor’s own party, sounded off about the potential for voter fraud, some even suggesting that certain parts of the bill be delayed until security could be improved.

Security concerns raised

House Bill 224 – Improving Access to Voting – could make personal information input by the voter vulnerable to internet hacking without new security provisions in place, according to Rebecca Wilson of Save our Votes, a voter advocacy group.

And, the bill would also waive a requirement for a new voter — who registers and votes on the same day — to cast a provisional ballot, a measure which could give election officials time to authenticate the person’s eligibility.



  1. Let's just stop this cra9 right now, The next voting law that needs to be passed is for all to have a valid I.D. and that all precincts nationwide are cross matched for duplications. We need to start at the beginning first.

    As far as "same day registration", no f__ing way! Are you kidding me?

  2. anyone who wants to go get an ID can it is easy pie to get 1 these days.you ned one to drive, cash check, get liquor, cash lottery winnings I don't see what the problem is..this is not rocket science you need an id to vote to prove you are a citizen

  3. o'malley wants voter fraud just like his mentor obama...

  4. With several democrats havin been indicted this last cycle on voter fraud this is an audacious move. Someone should ask Omalley if we can stop paying maryland for having to have a drivers license.

  5. anything making it easier for those who wish to cheat to win


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