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Thursday, February 14, 2013

O’Malley Emails Licensed Hunters To Push Gun Control

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley appears to have used his executive power to get the personal emails of citizens with hunting licenses in order to push gun control. The second-term Democrat is using the information in an attempt to divide gun owners to build support for his extremist legislation to abridge Second Amendment rights.

Patrick Shomo, the president of the pro-gun rights organization Maryland Shall Issue, told me that O’Malley “appears to be tapping the state’s Department of Natural Resources database for hunting licenses.”

Hunters in Maryland received an email from their governor on Feb. 7 purportedly to make them aware of the about the Junior Waterfowl Hunting Day on Saturday. Quickly switching gears, he wrote:

“I also want to take this opportunity to address you directly about the proposal we recently introduced to reduce gun violence. Our goal is to enact common sense proposals to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals, and to try to reduce the risk of a mass shooting like the one that occurred in Newtown. Let me be clear: We are committed to protecting hunters and their traditions. That’s why we specifically carved out shotguns and rifles from the licensing requirements of our bill.”


  1. Quote" O'Malley used his Executive Powers to get the personal emails of citizens with hunting licenses.," Are you kidding? That right there is Unlawfull conduct. Socialist propaganda at it's best, wow.

  2. Didn't email me....I'd have told him to f off

  3. If O'Malley can use that database to get emails for his propaganda, he can also use the database to send his stormtroopers to confiscate guns.

  4. I'm beginning to question MOM's sanity. No bar set is too low. Amoral.

  5. HEY! MARTY!
    The second amendment has nothing to do with hunters and the state should stop the yearly money grab from said hunters! Your regime has provided one of the least friendly hunting states in America.
    Who exactly do you think you are lying and misrepresenting the truth about your anti gun tax proposal?
    Our rights are being violated by you. Our money is being stolen by you with ridiculous regulatory fees an licensing not to mention the gross violations of our privacy.
    That is why the 2nd amendment is in place. Back off O'Malley. This is a fight you will lose.

  6. Nice privacy violation - not much different than the newspaper publishing the addresses of gun owners in NY.....

  7. O'malley you are a poor example of an American your morals are sad at best. The constitution is not for debate so pods off.

  8. That sissy, girlie boy wanna-be man has NO clue and no idea. He KEEPS talikng about guns and the Second Amendent like Jefferson wrote it to protect HUNTERS. He displays such a lack of knowledge that one MUST believe he is being deliberately and insidiously disingenuous, or is really as stupid as he acts. We have guns to protect ourselves against people like him, NOT to kill a deer. I wonder if that point was brought up in their SECRET debates about the rights we have --- not by their good graces and benevolence, but by our OWN decree.

  9. guess he doesnt realize we the hunters are the ones with the so called assault weapons


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