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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Obama Urges Supreme Court To Strike Down Federal Defense of Marriage Act

The Obama administration is asking the Supreme Court to strike down the federal law defining marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.

The request regarding the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act was made Friday in a brief by Solicitor General Donald Verrilli that argues the law is unconstitutional because it violates "the fundamental guarantee of equal protection."

The high court is set to hear two cases next month on the issue: the constitutional challenge on Proposition 8, the 2008 California that allowed same-sex marriages in the state that two years later was overturned, and United States v. Windsor, which challenges DOMA.



  1. Andy Berges says...

    The legalization of same-sex marriage is probably the most ungodly & immoral laws that was ever passed in the U.S.

  2. Keep sitting back and watch legislators turn back voter decisions at the ballot box. Why vote? It's not that Gays are getting a vote. It's that Gays are influencing the decisions for the majority for which they do not represent. Let us not forget Penn State when people ignored what was going on for too many years. Now we have a local (openly gay) teacher of our children who just happens to be the current Mayor. He says "trust me". Can you really do that without picking up the bar of soap from the shower floor?

  3. Best thing for Obama to do is just go on vacation and leave the personal comments and Government to some people that know what they are doing. Never mind, just stay because the others don't know what they are doing either.

  4. Oh they will claim that the tax hikes are to make up for lost revenue from the drops in property assessments, then when the assessments go up they keep the same tax rate and take in money hand over fist to waste on their pet projects. They don't know how to work with what you have like the citizens have to do.

  5. ""the fundamental guarantee of equal protection."",,, Uh, equal protectin of WHAT? DOMA doesn't state that you can't be queer (i.e., abnormal). It states what laws for NORMAL people apply to ABNORMAL people. Why isn't this enough?

  6. If you wingnuts think that homosexuality is a choice, you're considering it.

  7. Anybody over 30 years old that has not been subjected to the constant pro-homasexual relentless propaganda from the MSM, Hollywood, and government controlled schools looks at what has happened to our culture and is in shock and dismay concerning this ages-old perversion. Unfortunately our younger generation thinks it is "normal" and just cant understand the narrow minded religious bigots that want to hurt the poor homosexuals. Obama is their hero. This country is quickly decaying and becoming ripe for slaughter, the barbarians are at the gate. (Study the rise and fall of Rome)
    If what God and the bible says is important and true (which it is) we are in trouble. Our president's actions are another example.


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