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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Obama Dispatches 100 US Troops To Niger To "Support Predator Drone Base"

As we speculated from the very beginning [9], and as was reaffirmed in "Is Nigeria, And Its Light Sweet Crude, About To Be Drawn Into The Mali "Liberation" Campaign [10]?", the "French" (with complete and fully-comped US support) Mali campaign is slowly but surely migrating to its intended target: Nigeria, and rather its holdings of light sweet crude. And while the US presence in this latest resource land grab, this time in Africa, was so far rather stealthy, it appears the time for foreplay is over and moments ago Obama told congress has has dispatched 40 more American troops to Niger this week, bringing the total U.S. military presence in the west African country to 100. Let's hear it for the full retroactive transparency demanded by the War Powers Resolution.



  1. pissing in a hurricane, ain't it?

  2. I guess those drones must be way more important than the 4 Americans killed in Benghazi.

  3. hey but wait what about sequestration, and all those federal workers who are going to be laid off. Not counting the total shutdown of the american economy and all those other end of the world as we know it liberal bs lies from obama. but we got money to put drone bases in africa!

  4. No drones in Niger Obama!

  5. This is just Homeland Security to him1 I mean, that IS his homeland!


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