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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Missouri Dems: Let’s Just Force Gun Owners To Surrender, Destroy Their Weapons



  1. I say if the dems want the guns so bad then they should have to be the ones to come and get them.

  2. Let's just force politicians to submit, destroy their lives.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I say if the dems want the guns so bad then they should have to be the ones to come and get them.

    February 23, 2013 at 7:20 AM

    Exactly! Bring it on! Over my dead body will they take my guns and I guarantee I will take out a few democrats trying to take my guns from me.

  4. The Power of the People is Stronger than the People in Power!

    Never forget that.

  5. 9:33 I like that!!!

  6. An AMERICAN politician suggests that they (the government) FORCE us to surrender our weapons?? THAT'S WHY we have them --- so people like them CAN'T do that to us! Thats the bottom line, the low-down, the skinny and the final word. Now, one can see why our government thinks they are going to need 40 million body bags. And 2 billion rounds of hollow point rifle ammo. Its going to be a long, bloody fight.

  7. Force, surrender, destroy? Sounds like fighting words. I don't think this is a fight they want nor can handle.


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