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Saturday, February 09, 2013

McIntosh Files Bill For Bottle And Can Deposit

Maryland consumers would be charged a 5 cent refundable deposit on bottles and cans under a bill introduced in the House of Delegates.

House Bill 1085 would make Maryland the 10th state in the U.S. to charge a deposit.

Del. Maggie McIntosh, D-Baltimore, the bill’s primary sponsor, has lined up 16 co-sponsors for the bill. It is scheduled for a first reading Friday before the House Environmental Matters and Economic Matters committees.



  1. Well she doesn't have to force gay marriage down our throats anymore.

    1. Especially since the majority voted for it in the last election. Case closed.

  2. Man! Our legislators sure are introducing a lot of stupid bills this session.

  3. Can i tell her where to shove that CAN.

  4. more money to be wasted by them. thanks sjd

  5. she is an idiot, we are already taxed for voluntary recycling

  6. there goes more alcohol taxes.

  7. "If you can dream it, we can tax it!"

  8. just another tax, fee...call it whatever...just more money for the legislature to FRITTER away!

  9. didn't we used to have this? a refundable deposit?
    Before plastic was shoved down our throats. Plastic we didn't ask for, that doesn't biodegrade, that we have to recycle?

  10. Anonymous said...
    Especially since the majority voted for it in the last election. Case closed.

    February 10, 2013 at 12:15 AM

    Voted for what?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    didn't we used to have this? a refundable deposit?
    Before plastic was shoved down our throats. Plastic we didn't ask for, that doesn't biodegrade, that we have to recycle?

    February 10, 2013 at 6:41 AM

    Glass doesn't biodegrade either so this isn't a good argument.

  12. When are we going to see dome bills reducing this absurd cycle of stupity....NO !!NO !no more fees taxes for the kids the bay illegals..welfare.. smokers bottle trash....cut something now ..start with ur alls paycheck you obvioulsy can't function in fiscal management

  13. How much is this going to cost the vendor to whom we take our cans and bottles to for our refund? Does this eliminate recycling? I can see sometone taking 50 coke cans into the Giant for their 5 cent deposit on each one. Seems like a lot of work for someone and not worth the money. Of course the gov does not want you to reclaim your 5 cent deposit so they can have the money to waste.

  14. If people would just recycle on their own we wouldn't need government making us do it. Recycling is the right thing to do...but look at the roadsides. People can't even use a trashcan (even with the threat of a fine if they get caught littering). It's sad.


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