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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Maryland Students Rank First In Nation On AP Exams

WASHINGTON - Maryland public high school students had the highest success rate on Advanced Placement tests in 2012, according to figures released Wednesday by the College Board.

Virginia came in fifth, behind New York, Massachusetts and Florida. The previous year, Virginia students had the third highest success rate on the tests, which help students prepare for college and can lead to college credit.

In Maryland, 29.6 percent of public high school students received a score of 3 or higher. The figure for Virginia was 27.2 percent.



  1. Was this on the Western Shore? Or was for complete state of MD. From news I've heard recently kids were not doing so well in their studies.

  2. For some reason I have a hard time believing this. Especially when all Wicomico County Schools failed to meet AYP. The only students that can pass successfully are Magnet and Gate Students. Home school kids are there to participate in the Kiddie Warehouse Program for the free baby sitting service with 3 meals and snacks a day.


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