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Monday, February 18, 2013

Just A Coincidence?


  1. There is no such thing as coincidence

  2. Our kids need to have a " basic morals" class in their curriculum. nuff said.

  3. Just maybe it has something to do with integration also. Just saying.............

  4. I thought it my patriotic duty to attend Congressman Andy Harris's meeting at the Holiday Inn in Ocean City Saturday. Mike McDermott and Charles Otto were also present. The Conference room was packed.
    Andy gave some very compelling information regarding "gun violence" including over 19,000 suicides annually using a firearm.

    However, as is the case with those supporting gun control, the discussion centered on "assault weapons" primarily the Model AR-15.

    Having served my country in the U. S. Marine Corps for over 20 years, which included service in Vietnam I have never met an "assault weapon", it would have sure made my job a lot easier by simply issuing it orders to assault, leaving me protected and behind cover.
    As absurd as that is, when ill informed people, including politicians simply place blame on a particular small arm because of its looks.

    The 2nd amendment is about we the peoples' right, given from God, not government, "to keep and bear arms, and it shall not be infringed".

    Secondly, let's look at the nomenclature and characteristics of small arms: Some are clip fed, some magazine, some breech, some muzzle and some tubilar. There are many different weights and actions, i.e., single action, double action, single and double action, bolt action, lever action and pump action. Semi-automatic, gas operated, recoil and spring operated in many different models. All of which with very little modification can be made fully automatic. We have a variety of calibers, i.e., 17,22,
    25, 204, 223, 243,380, 9MM, 38spl, 357mag, 44mag, 7MM08, 270, 270(short mag)30-30, 308, 30-06, 300mag, to name some. Shot gun shells in 12 guage, long and short brass, 16, 20 410 guages. Open beaded sight, dual sights, adjustable elevation and windage capabilities, recoil suppressors (boss), flash suppressors, stacking swilvels, and bayonet lugs. Wooden stocks, fiber glass and composite. Custom grip, pistol grip, montecarlo and adjustable stocks.

    In the hands of evil or ill people, the small arms of any type can be mis-used and become deadly killing instruments.

    So as we continue to tell God, we do not need your presence in our schools. And by the way we believe the institution of marriage you provided where one man and one woman shall leave their family and become together as "one flesh" is wrong along with your condemnation of adultery, homosexualality and fornication. And just because pornography is so prevalent, that one can hardly google a search dealing with scientific, anatomy or sexual behaviors without having pornographic advertising thrust upon their computers does not matter.
    Yes God, since we expelled you, and continue to give you the "finger" as a Nation, the astronomical increase in violent crime has no relation to small arms of any type. It simply our feel good solution, since we know better than You.
    In the end we are fast becoming, in every aspect, a Godlessness society, so get out of our way as we continue on our journey to Hell.

  5. 9:59, do you mind if I share that?

  6. You may share it all you want. I thank you for asking and am glad you appreciate it enough to want to share it.
    Don Coffin
    410 860 2111

  7. Don, thank you, I was there, too. Too bad 8:10 had to pull the race card to make us on our side look like crap. Thanks for your welcome comment. Please send it on to Andy, Kike, Charles, and the rest of our "representatives".


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