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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Jon Stewart Shreds Obama On Hypocrisy Over Drones: You're Only 'Transparent About The Last Guy's Secrets'

Daily Show host Jon Stewart tore into President Barack Obama Wednesday night for what he perceived as hypocrisy on transparency over his administration's controversial policy on drone strikes.
Stewart found the recently leaked white paper outlining the government's case for using lethal force on American citizens abroad to be disconcerting overall. He had a particular issue with the condition that a strike can only be carried out if the person presents an "imminent threat," the definition of which was very loosely defined.

"So, imminent threat, in other words, is 'imminent or not imminent,'" Stewart quipped.


  1. My problem with drones is the reluctance of our government to use them for legit reasons.When a dangerous person is on the loose in a mountain range & he/she cannot be located by conventional means,a drone could easily locate them.A drone would have had the situation in Accomac County resolved by now.Drone technology could be a great thing,but it appears that intimidation is on tap for US citizens,and possibly the entire world.

  2. Glad to see Stewart taking it to politicians on both sides. Wish we could get more of that all around the media.

  3. I cant wait until this IDIOT Stewart and his crew get there head out of the sand and realize what they are doing to this country.

  4. 6:36-My guess is he won't ever get his head out of the sand.With his ratings in the toilet he should get the hint.

  5. Agreed BKLN, hopefuly Obama will get his head out of the sand and realize what he is doing to this country as well!!!!


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