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Friday, February 22, 2013


Mayor Jim Ireton is now proposing a new $19 million dollar tax to clean the River. It's been four years Jimmy, according to the above pictures, how's it working for you? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. 


  1. Never Again -- he's got to go asap.

  2. Were those pictures taken recently Joe? I can't believe all the trash.

  3. Seaford and Delmar (DE) must love that buffoon.

  4. The top two were taken this morning.

  5. The bottom two were taken this past summer.

  6. The record shows this is a nineteen million dollar tax per year. Is Ireton crazy.

  7. Wasn't this the mayors Pet Peeve? to have people swimming in the river , He has had 4 yrs to clean up the river what the hell is wrong with this guy, April 2 cant come SOON enough...

  8. Thanks Joe for the answer. Okay---so littering is an obvious problem. Has the Mayor gone on any anti littering campaigns such as going to schools and giving an anti littering lectures to the students?
    And before someone says he doesn't have the time or comes up with some other excuse, I'll nip that in the bud right here and now. He had all the time in the world. Instead of attending the demo convention he should have been concentrating on the city he was elected to represent.

  9. I remember years ago they had a few neighborhood clean ups and we haven't heard anything about them in years. In order for those things to amount to much the mayor needs to keep the momentum up and people energized into cleaning up.

  10. Ireton is following in the foot steps of Martin O'Malley, claiming all this money will go to clean up the Bay.

    As long as we have municipal waste water treatment plants that continue to pollute our rivers and bays, the pollution will never end.

    I will not stand for this new tax. In two days I will have invested almost one year, dividing myself from my Family to live here in Salisbury because WE believe WE can deliver a better Salisbury.

    For those of you who are undecided, to those of you who are saying you are just going to vote for Council and not the Mayor, THINK!

    Salisbury is a business being run by someone who has no clue how to run a business.

    Here's how I see it. Go ahead and vote for Jim Ireton and you'll get exactly what you deserve. No new business, increased taxes, 500 affordable housing units downtown and oh, let's not forget, a clean river?

    Think about it this way too. At Jim's rate you just might be the next Family needing to live in one of those affordable housing units too.

  11. those 540 housing units are meant to do 1 thing bring poor men women into this area so as to guarantee increasing voter turnout of those who will vote f or communists and socialists

  12. Joe, you gotta make this happen... We have to get this but job out... You are right about the pollution by the WWTP...

    NOW you are seeing the picture... It is all smoke and mirrors to just get money away fro, us to put it where ever...

    Same with O'faily... They all follow each other or none can continue in the govt...

    NOTICE now how O'faily said he will run for 2016 presidency? I told you... that's why MD is screwed, he is following Obama bin laden...

    Now do you see, i'm not some crazy fool or a conspiracy theorist...

    If you can see them happening, it is not a conspiracy... That is called evidence, proof or what ever you want to call it... but it means it is REAL...

  13. When will Ireton stop the car wash people who dump their detergent directly into the storm drain which goes directly into the river. How about all of the cigarette butts that goe directly into the river

  14. What type of tax does he propose to impose on Salisbury's residents in order to generate this MONSTROUS amount of $19M!?

  15. That littering problem needs to be dealt with. If I were the council rep where that trash is I'd be ballistic. And where is Ireton? The democrats are so good at indoctinating children (it worked wonders with the anti smoking campaign.) He should have been going to local schools with an anti littering presentation. Even a booth set up at 3rd Friday's and other city events. You have to start somewhere and since the river at one time seemed to be a pet project of his I would have thought the trash problem would be dealt with or at the very minimum some effort made to deal with it.
    Instead all he can come up with is a new tax.

  16. Why cant the judges in Salisbury have the local criminals go around and clean up the AREA...???

  17. The river looks high in fiber.

  18. I have been in discussion with a group that wanted to open a business here in Salisbury. I've done my homework and created a budget proposal based on $1.5 million in sales annually.

    This is just one of the reasons I'm advising these people to open their business else where.

    Based on that budget proposal, is $350,000 for payroll. How much business does Salisbury actually lose because of these hair-brained ideas in this economy?

    This sort of thing makes Delaware look very inviting. Sorry for your luck Salisbury. Once I get this project going, my house will be up for sale.

  19. Jim you jump in the river first...LOL

  20. Kook liberals and their enviromentalist friends waste our tax money with never anything to show for it.

  21. I would be willing to bet that we will hear Rick Pollitt anounce a county tax hike soon as well.

    Property assessments have dropped about 30% in this area, that means the state, the county and the city will be scrambling to recoupe those tax dollars lost to lower assessments.

    We see the states plan to recoupe those revenue losses, legalize marijuana and tax it. Not that I object to that idea, however it spells disaster for Wicomico county and Salisbury property owners.

    That definately makes it even harder to attract business here because of so much uncertainty.

  22. Good question, 12:00. Exactly what is the tax and how will it impact me?

  23. 11:41--Those housing units are for something else as well--to make a select few slumlords even richer.

  24. No wonder nobody wants to visit downtown, What an absolute mess!!! Ridiculous Salisbury.

  25. I still say a Hooters in the old firehouse will bring in business. Heck, we can go to the library across the street and check out a book and read it in there while we wait for our french fries.

  26. From the Daily Rags FB page.

    The Delmarva Daily Times

    With members of the city’s departments flanking him on both sides, Ireton called on essential members to discuss some of the recent accomplishments of the last year as well future projects slated.
    Interesting how every time he has an event or press conference he forces city employees to attend so that it looks like he has an audience.

  27. How much do want to bet that The Daily Times won't cover this tax hike on the front page? If they announce it at all, it will be buried.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thanks Joe for the answer. Okay---so littering is an obvious problem. Has the Mayor gone on any anti littering campaigns such as going to schools and giving an anti littering lectures to the students?
    And before someone says he doesn't have the time or comes up with some other excuse, I'll nip that in the bud right here and now. He had all the time in the world. Instead of attending the demo convention he should have been concentrating on the city he was elected to represent.

    February 22, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    Speaking of the DNC Convention did anyone ever find out if Jim Ireton spent City of Salisbury tax dollars for him, Laura Mitchell and Cookie to attend?

    1. Cookie is on the governors payroll. He has an appointed job as big waste of taxpayers dollars.

  29. Anonymous said...
    I remember years ago they had a few neighborhood clean ups and we haven't heard anything about them in years. In order for those things to amount to much the mayor needs to keep the momentum up and people energized into cleaning up.

    February 22, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    That was nothing more than feel good events to promote Louise Smith. They used city employees and conned volunteer firefighters to clean up the Church Street area. This was done on a Saturday for once a month and by Monday the streets were loaded with tons trash again. And I mean literally tons of trash because Louise Smith bragged about how many tons of trash they cleaned up every Saturday. She was to stupid to really she was being used by the renters and slum lords. Cleaning up after the Church Street thugs was nothing more than another entitlement perk for the entitlement crowd. I am so glad they quit that because all they did was teach the welfare mongers living in Slum Lord ghetto properties that someone will clean up after them.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Why cant the judges in Salisbury have the local criminals go around and clean up the AREA...???

    February 22, 2013 at 12:08 PM

    Because the lazy @$$ renters need to clean up their own trash!

  31. Just imagine the trash going into the river next to 500 Section 8 units!

  32. The health department needs to do water testing...see how dirty the river is. I'll bet it will show more, lots more that floating trash.
    Wake up Salisbury before the city has all your money to "clean up" the river...right.
    Vote Joe for Mayor

  33. Well, Day and Heath have said they will support the Mayor. As for Day saying that he will work with either Mayoral winner, everyone knows that when he thinks no one is looking he is right there with Ireton yucking it up about thier plans to give away the parking lots and drive us taxpayers into the poor house. The slum lords would be happy about that because our property calues would continue tank. They can buy them for nothing and rent them by the room and make a fortune.

  34. Anon 1:38, perhaps your idea of bringing a Hooter's town would draw a crowd but for how long?

    If most of Salisbury's new businesses are going to be primarily bars/restaurants, who will be patronizing them if Salisbury is constantly losing other types of businesses that employee many people who are potential patrons if no other type of business takes its place besides another bar/restaurant.

    There are only so many bars/restaurants that will succeed and if other types of businesses and its employees disappear, so too will the bars/restaurants disappear as well.

  35. Anon 1:38, a Hooters in the fire house sounds like a good idea, but guess what it's way out of the way and out of site mean out of mind. It will be a complete failure. The fire house needs to be opened up as a fire house. If anything make it an EMS Headquarters and put 2 ambulances there. The city just hired 12 more paid fireman that aren't needed so use them to staff the ambulances. Those 12 EMT's would be able to staff at least one ambulance around the clock and one during the day M - F from 8am to 5pm.

  36. Exactly 3:13. It's what I've been saying. At this point it has gotten so bad that the businesses needed for any real improvement have to be something that does not depend solely or at all on the local economy.

  37. I just got another post card in the mail from Jake Day. Who is paying for his campaign?

  38. And our trash skimmer boat has been in dry dock since the election! I know, because I drive by and see it at least once a month!

  39. How about we get an idiot tax referendum on the local ballot. If it passes we would be sucking a lot of tax money out of the democrats for a change. Ireton would go broke.

  40. Hooters yeah i can see the thugs hanging in there,and white trash.

  41. Too much for Too liitle too late. Stop trying so hard to play catchup Jim.........It’s over you blew it, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.

  42. Jake Day needs to answer this question, what is his position on Ireton's proposed $19,000,000 tax hike? Truth and transparency. Is he going to protect the citizens of Salisbury?

    If he can't answer that question, I have to use for him.

  43. Heck, for $19M, you could build a lot of low end housing on the waterfront. It's a good thing this new tax is going towards River cleanup instead into a slush fund like what the State does. Otherwise, City Hall would be coming back next year asking for more money to clean up the River. Sometimes Mayor Jim seems so Governor like. Does he play in a band too?

  44. Anonymous said...
    When Jim-beau ran 4 years ago, he said that he would get rid of Wilber ASAP if elected, but look what happened.

    Thank goodness the Council majority did that when he failed to follow thru on his promise to the voters.

    February 22, 2013 at 11:43 AM

    Do Day and Heath want to work with the mayor, but not the council? We need someone who can work with both the mayor and council. Jim Ireton has proven he can't work with the council unless it is his way only. Shaney will only work with Ireton and not the council majority.

    Vote Campbell and Albero!

  45. Anonymous said...
    And our trash skimmer boat has been in dry dock since the election! I know, because I drive by and see it at least once a month!

    February 22, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    It's not ours, it was sold by the previous mayor. I don't think the city bought a new one, but I might be wrong.

  46. Not only did Jim Ireton lie to us about getting rid of Paul Wilber he promised to get rid of John Pick, Lore Chambers Allan Webster, Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes.

    Ireton jumped in bed with his enemies and as soon as he was sworn in at the GOB he praised the outgoing mayor and promised to name a road after Barrie Parsons Tilghman. We still have John Pick and Lore Chambers. He gave Lore Chambers a massive pay raise while city employees to 2 years of furloughs. He paid thousands of dollars so Lore Chambers could get a PhD while other city employees were denied educational benefits. Allan Webster worked out a deal with Jim Ireton so he could go out on disability and the disabled Chief of Police ran for Somerset County Sheriff. Bill Gordy left on his own and now Ireton is fighting the City Council over Richard Hoppes after he promised the firefighters he was getting rid of him.

    Jim Ireton turned his back on his friends, supporters, allies and most important the citizens who voted for him. Is this unstable man who we want for our next mayor!

    Vote Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero.

    1. Obama Socialist Motor WorksFebruary 22, 2013 at 10:38 PM

      19 million??? Ireton lost his marbles. He may be thinking about making a path for THE FIREBOAT to go through this muck. 4 years of being the Mayor and this is what we get? Time to vote this Bum OUT!

  47. Everywhere I see Jim Ireton he is wearing that gay looking beige camel fur coat. He has been wearing that for years. Doesn't he have any other coats to wear?

  48. $19,000,000!!! WTH does he want to do build another fire station for Hoppes!

  49. It's over anyway. Salisbury won't be saved. The in-fighting, the cloak and dagger back-stabbing, the lies, the willingness to do anything to stay in power - it's all too far gone. Sell what you have while it still has a little value and get out while you can.

  50. Salisbury, don't get fooled again. Look at the list of Day's contributors here:


    Barry Tillgman, her hubby, Mike Dunn to name the few. He collected more money ($6,295) than Ireton ($5,818).

    And guess who contributed to Shanie's campaign - yes Jimmy !!!!

    The funniest think is that some republicans in the city contributed big times to Ireton. Don't complain when he will raise your taxes, then !

  51. Years ago the city had purchased a skimmer for cleaning the sorface scum and trash. Wonder what happened to that piece of equipment, probably went the same way the past fire boats have...to the bottom for lack of proper maintenance!

  52. What's up with all the fee's to build a new house in the City?
    Fee's and permits cost between $20,000.00 and $25,000.00 per home.
    How can we build affordable housing?
    Hopefully a new Mayor would address this situation!!!!!!!!!!

  53. Response to 2:22 Posting

    I agree with you. The location where these pictures were taken were literally at the back door of the Health Department.

  54. People using affordable housing don't have to worry about all those fees and building costs, that gets paid by those who work and pay taxes.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Years ago the city had purchased a skimmer for cleaning the sorface scum and trash. Wonder what happened to that piece of equipment, probably went the same way the past fire boats have...to the bottom for lack of proper maintenance!

    February 23, 2013 at 12:57 AM

    The city gave it away and now the new owner had been charging the city to use it.

  56. The city gave the skimmer boat away? WTF? Is it parked in Cookie's back yard?

  57. Thats embarrassing those pic where taken right across the street from the Health Department??

  58. Hook up the Fire-boat to a skimmer and put it to USE.

  59. For real 11:44. Atleast make the thing of some use besides a money pit.
    That trash is just a disgrace and the Mayor stands to be extremely ashamed of himself for allowing this to continue with no effort made whatsoever to have it resolved. I just cannot believe someone who wanted the river clean enough to swim in in 4 years hasn't made a stink over this and it a priority.
    He's all talk but when it comes to walking even the most basic of the walks he fails.
    We should just be so thrilled that Jacob Day wants to "partner" with this all talk and no action mayor. Speaks alot about Day's own accomplishments. No wonder no one knows what they are because he's all talk too.
    The Mayor can not blame no action on the part of the council for all this trash. He had no problem putting together a skatepark task force. Where's the river trash task force?

  60. This is a huge fault of the entire state, look how many plastic bottles are in that mess. If Maryland is so gung ho go green, we need to have a deposit on bottles like that, at least the homeless would pick them up for some beer money.

    Ireton's hero's have no plans for making things better except higher taxes. A simple solution can't even be solved by the simple minded.

    I have about as much use for Ireton as a broken condom.

  61. Jim should be out there with a hand skimmer cleaning that garbage up,and while he is there he can have his Obama Welfare NON working NON paying electric bill,NON paying for there OWN food,NON paying for there cell bill,NON Paying for RENT,NON getting a job Butt out there too help him with the clean WE all Know there are THOUSANDS of them in Salisbury and start OFF with JOHNATHAN TAYLOR FIRST.

  62. The old fire house would make the best residence in town bar none with even a modest amount of creativity.The zoning might be a hurdle,but just think about it.

  63. "Rebecca/SU Student said...
    Jim should be out there with a hand skimmer cleaning that garbage up"

    There was once a mayor name Schaefer in Baltimore who would have been doing just that and you better believe a cuss filled tongue lashing would have been in line for the Public Works Director.
    Mayor Schaefer spent all his down time driving around (well being driven around) Baltimore city looking for things like trash, pot holes, whatever and he was immediately on the phone reaming a new one to the lackadaisical department head.
    Salisbury is such a small city that there is no reason for that mess in the river.

  64. Jonathan Taylor is trying to come up with every excuse imaginable in an attemt to make it seem like Ireton couldn't do a thing about this mess of a river.
    Someone pointed out that this is the classic example of Ireton not showing that he is committed to anything afterall the river was supposed to be a goal of his and as 2:13 pointed out one simple solution he couldn't even be bothered doing.

  65. February 22, 2013 at 8:57 PM

    So, Barrie Tilghman sold the only machine to clean up the river, and Mr. "I will clean up this river and make it swimmable". Ireton did nothing to bring it back has done NOTHING to buy it back and use it. good information for use in his demise. He needs to be let go....

  66. Thanks, Bex! ...Dad

  67. Liarton needs to be called out on the March Debate about the river project Joe.


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