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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Inside The Court: Challenging Speed Camera Tickets

HYATTSVILLE, Md. - Every year, hundreds of thousands of Marylanders receive speed camera tickets in the mail and face a choice: Pay the ticket or go to court.

In Prince George's County, drivers who choose to fight their speed camera ticket end up at District Court in Hyattsville. But whether they are successful or end up paying a fine and court costs largely depends on the judge.

On Wednesday, about two dozen people showed up at 8:45 a.m. to contest their tickets. They faced Judge Thomas J. Love, who according to AAA Mid-Atlantic is one of the few judges who give some drivers a fair shake.

Love started off with an olive branch. Anyone who pleaded guilty with an explanation saw their ticket reduced from $40 to $2, plus court costs.

About half of the people took the deal, grabbed their papers and left.



  1. Every single person issued a ticket from a robot MUST go and contest the ticket in court.
    Get a lawyer if you can and subpeona the camera into court.

  2. Yeah. Get a lawyer and pay hundreds of dollars to fight a $40 ticket.


  3. Yeah. Get a lawyer and pay hundreds of dollars to fight a $40 ticket.


    February 21, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    Some people value integrity more than they value money.

    I think we see which one you are.

  4. Must be the post of a lawyer.

  5. How nice....a JUDGE bribing citizens to accept the will of the court and the police. Its ALL about the money. Safety? LOL! You think that any one them (judges, cops, "representatives") go home tonight and wring their hands in despair that some serfs got hurt in a car accident?


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