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Monday, February 25, 2013

I Just Received This, Believe It Or Not. 11:12 PM


February 25, 2013 – Salisbury, MD - Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt, Jr. will hold a press conference 9am, Tuesday February 26th at the Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport to dispel misinformation regarding airport operations and clarify the potential impact of sequestration for SBY and its customers. All are invited to attend.

County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr.

Press conference to clarify the impact of sequestration on SBY Airport

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 @ 9:00AM

Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport
5485 Airport Terminal Rd, Salisbury


  1. Why isn't it someone from the Commission that runs the airport -- because Pollitt wants to make a political statement!

  2. LOL. What will have the most impact on the airport is the takeover of USAir by American Airlines. I fly in and out of SBY on a frequent basis...TSA has too many employees and there is always one or more WCSO officers standing around. A total waste of resources. Is someone going to take over a Dash 8 and fly it into SBY? What a joke!!! Let's scare everyone because the POTUS' own plan is actually going to happen. Long lines at SBY or not enough air traffic controllers...LOL
    The majority of people that utilize SBY are business travelers and are smart enough to see past the Dem BS!

  3. I wonder how many times he is going to say the public's safety is at risk or some other such baloney in an attempt to get people all riled up? You know that's coming and will be a major part of his press conference.
    Sorry but it won't work. Any and all blame is directly on the backs of Pollitt and the rest of the Tax and Spend democrats. It's finally catching up to them.

  4. Anon 1:13. As a Chairman's Preferred I think your an idiot.

  5. I am a pilot and I can tell you that even if the air traffic control tower funding is partially cut - then it is easy to obtain the same services by either a private firm, and/or, the Flight Service station attendent.

    The Flight Service station ran the tower anyway - right up until a new regulation was invoked to take away the authority.

    I would not loose any sleep over this as Pollitt is doing nothing but showboating.

  6. Looks like Bob Bryant is trying to justify his existence. The airport could function perfectly without him.
    In fact, I would say it would run even smoother.

  7. Want to save some money, Fire Bryant and Pollitt that would a good starting point.

  8. Gerald, retired Detroit copFebruary 26, 2013 at 9:00 AM

    It would be nice if the county taxpayers didn’t have to fund all the “Free-bees” that the county give to USAir, like free hanger use, free take-off and landing fees. This county tax money should be used for all of the county residents, not a select few that can afford to fly. We as county taxpayers should be screaming at Rick for stealing our money!

  9. Anon 1:13 Tell that to the families of 9/11.

  10. No time to fully reply now but the airport commission needs to be front and center protecting Piedmont. Salisbury wants and needs those jobs. As for Pollitt showboating, ask him what political party caused the need for this press conference? What political party signed the sequester?

  11. He's on a mission to start justifying his future tax hike. WBOC beat him to the punch this morning, I'm sure more people will find out this information from the boob tube than will be in attendence at the airport this morning.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Anon 1:13 Tell that to the families of 9/11.

    February 26, 2013 at 9:13 AM"

    Let those who use the service pay for it in higher ticket prices and not tax payers. I happen to know someone who lost their husband in the 9/11 attacks. One of her ongoing lines is what do people expect when you can fly across the country for $300? She made reference to how expensive the Israeli airline El Al was/is compared to US airlines due to their focus being on tight security which passengers should be paying for.

  13. I just drive to BWI, cheaper in the long run.

  14. Anon 10:22 You need to get out of your cave and travel by air. $300 you got to be kidding me. Please at least get off the Delmarva Peninsula. I travel to the West Coast several times a year so think what you may. I know what I'm talking about.

  15. Scare tactics. Typical democrap!

  16. He just wants you to be ready for the "repeal the tax cap" action.

  17. I hope the sequester fails. I'm tired of my taxes being used by free loaders and big business.


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