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Monday, February 25, 2013

How's Mayor Ireton Working Out For You Salisbury?

I took the above image just moments ago, (4:00 pm) on the Wicomico River. 

FOUR years ago Mayor Jim Ireton swore he was going to clean up the River. We've had Waste Water Treatment Plant spills into the River since. We've had lift station overflows into the River and now he wants to add a $18.9 million dollar tax/fee to the taxpayers because he just cannot get the job done. 

By all means, take this opportunity to tell us in your own words just what Jim Ireton has done to keep ANY of his campaign promises he stated four years ago. I think our viewers would love to see what this part time Mayor has done to move Salisbury Forward. This should get really interesting. Pictures do NOT lie.

Click on image to enlarge. 


  1. And don't forget Jim Ireton hired that criminal that stole almost a million dollars from the County to help pump out the poop run overs.

    It was ASAP. Is that Ray Lewis?

  2. Been like that for 50 years.

  3. Unreal........vote Debbie and Joe too end this nonsense.

  4. We get rid of Jim-beau in April - tomorrow lets make sure that we keep Debbie Campbell on the City Council.

  5. I was surprised to see in another post that Wicomico county has an environmental trust. One thing is for sure-whomever is on that Board should be ashamed of themselves!
    This river is a disgrace!

  6. He has done a great job at taxing the hell out of people

  7. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    But if it's still broke, vote the bum out.

  8. Maybe that's jims personal Toilet?

  9. In answer to your question, He sucks as a mayor.

  10. From Wiki-

    "Ireton ran on a platform of transparency in government, reducing crime, cleaning up the Wicomico River, and revitalizing Salisbury neighborhoods.[2]

    Ireton's office has three goals which guide their work: improving neighborhood integrity, crime reduction, and improving the health of the Wicomico River"

  11. I pray EVERYONE that who is able comes out tomorrow for Debbie. I feel evil forces at work in this election. Much like the last national election.

  12. 2/2011 article MD Coast Dispatch--

    "“Salisbury has turned a corner my friends,” Ireton said. “This administration…has chosen safety over slum and blight, people over profits and neighborhoods over cash cow properties for investors that do not work here.”

    He said that the administration will change the way that the Board of Zoning Appeals does business by placing Salisbury residents on a level playing field with a multimillion dollar rental industry that has run Salisbury for decades.

    “I won’t back up, I will not apply the brakes, I will not change course,” Ireton said. “It’s 2011 and the era of the good old boy network is over in this town.”"

  13. O'malley, Obama, and Ireton remind of the three stooges.

  14. I don't believe Ireton is honest nor truthful. He panders to both sides, and both races. Depending on where he is and to whom he is speaking, he will tell them what they want to hear. Never mind that he hasn't and WON'T do what he has been elected to do. The only thing he knows is raising taxes on honest, hard-working people who are just struggling to survive while he tells untruths and behaves disgustingly.
    He really has no work experience and has a PROVEN track record with his temper fits, and his inability to work well with others as demonstrated with his inability to work with the Council. I submit he is not entitled to throw our money away anymore and should not be voted in as mayor or anything else. Debbie Campbell does have a proven track record, and is an honest person who tries to do the best job possible for ALL people regardless. She deserves to be re-elected to the Council to serve all of us and to better this city.

  15. 555 - So, are you surprised that Jakey Day supports him!

  16. 5:59PM No I am not! Birds of a feather flock together. These two birds are not pretty, they do sing (lots of lies), but the songs they sing are ugly and evil, and the character of these birds is pure evil and self-serving. Mocking Birds come to mind.

  17. The Tighlmans, Cathcarts, and Dunn support Day, you really want to go back there? Ireton was voted to end all of that and he has failed in a big way.

  18. Wow Terry Cohen just answered some of the Farmens questions, why hasn't the council approved Hoppes for chief? Terry relpied on PAC-14"if they want to know why the council rejects Hoppes, all Hoppes has to do is sign a waiver for the council to disclose that personal information to the public"

    GOOOOO Terry!

  19. Way to go Terry Cohen, fight the farmen with far!

  20. After this election is over, I'd be happy to work with others on a recall petition on Laura Mitchell. It's time to take out the trash.

  21. That last man that spoke, sounded like he just returned from the mud stomp. I hope he doesn't represent our fire department, if so, they should be ashamed that's the best they could do.

  22. Mitchell's attendence is only a disruption of city business.

  23. Why is the Albero for Mayor website still not running? How do you make contributions?

  24. Wow, this is bad. Joe has my vote.

  25. It appears very obvious the city of Salisbury (and the nation) need a change and only a well planned and executed means of doing that will hold us up in the State. Campbell has been doing that and Joe is the opoosite end of the stupid spectrum where Ireton resides

  26. Anonymous said...
    O'malley, Obama, and Ireton remind of the three stooges.

    February 25, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    The only difference is the Three Stooges weren't gay!

  27. Anonymous said...
    Wow Terry Cohen just answered some of the Farmens questions, why hasn't the council approved Hoppes for chief? Terry relpied on PAC-14"if they want to know why the council rejects Hoppes, all Hoppes has to do is sign a waiver for the council to disclose that personal information to the public"

    GOOOOO Terry!

    February 25, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    She has her act together.

  28. Anonymous said...
    That last man that spoke, sounded like he just returned from the mud stomp. I hope he doesn't represent our fire department, if so, they should be ashamed that's the best they could do.

    February 25, 2013 at 7:22 PM

    That is the best that Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Lee Smith could recruit to attend this meeting to attack Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies. Rick Hoppes is a snake and so desperate to be called Chief. He is a pathetic human being.

  29. FINALLY! Been waiting and waiting for my stupid computer to work so I could post this.

    Terry Cohen spanked the entire fire department for their stunt and rude comments tonight.

    Well deserved and well done! Go, Mrs. Cohen!

    If this is the "leadership" Rick Hoppes brings, no wonder they didn't approve him.

    How about all us taxpayers show up in red shirts at the next one to show we're seeing red and mad as hell and we aren't going to take it any more!

  30. I was wondering if Hoppes drove his brand new Ford Explorer Chiefs car to the city council meeting that the city bought for him. Does anyone know how much those 3 brand new Ford Explorers just cost the city tax payers?

  31. From Cookies FB page. He and Ireton are really pimping Jerk Day:

    Chuck Cook

    TOMORROW: Election day in Salisbury! If you live in District 2, you need to go to the polls (you either vote at Harvest Baptist Church or Wicomico Presbyterian) and vote in the Primary Election for Jacob Day.

    Like · · 2 hours ago ·

    18 people like this

    Chuck Cook Share this status, or make one of your own. Push it out to your friends in Salisbury.

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Matt Robins How do I know what district I'm in?

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Jacob Day Hey Matt, message me your address and I'll let you know.

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Matt Robins Messaging isn't working for me right now for some reason. I'm in a townhome community right off Beaglin Park extended - the back way to the mall.

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Chuck Cook Ask, and you shall receive, Matt Robins..... http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/cityclerk/briefingbook/Elections/Salisbury2Dist2013Election.pdf

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Chuck Cook There's the map of the districts. Find your address, and see what district you're in.

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Jacob Day Definitely District 2. You and Sarah should come out tomorrow night and celebrate afterward! We'll be at Specific Gravity.

    about an hour ago · Like..

    Matt Robins We're just barely in District 2! sweet!

    about an hour ago · Like · 1

    18 people like this
    Interesting list.

    Kevin Endres
    Salisbury, Maryland

    Tamara Lee-Brooks..

    Jessica O'Neill
    Salisbury, Maryland

    Debbie Bailey Fields
    Salisbury, Maryland

    Chris Demone..

    Robert Yochem
    Johns Hopkins

    Blair Griffin
    Front Desk at Oceanfront Hotel on the Boardwalk

    Julie Messick
    University of Maryland

    Melissa English Schock
    Wicomico Senior High

    Eric Thompson..

    Adam Stevenson
    Wright State University

    Anne Klase
    Henry Colby..

    Matt Robins
    Ball So Hard University

    Alexandra Smith
    Johns Hopkins University
    Bill Romani
    Director at AARP Experience Corps

    Bill Duck..

    Sarah Lake

  32. Did anyone mention those volunteer Farmin weren't city tax payers or city voters? Someone should have told them to go back home next time show the City Council more respect.

  33. If they don't live in city limits they shouldn't be wasting city taxpayer time/money. They need to crawl back under their rock.

  34. Ireton was unavailable for comment? Hoppes can't speak to the media unless Ireton has at least 24 hours notice and approves the Hoppes answers. Totally staged dog and pony show.

  35. Since we haven't had any snow lately why don't you scoop up some trash.Stop complaining and lets see action.The aluminum cans would help finance your campaign .

  36. haha, love it 8:25.

  37. You are just so witty 8:25. The fact is the Mayor was all about the river may I remind you before he was elected than after being elected didn't walk the walk. Demand action from him and hold him accountable. You sound feebleminded trying to turn it around on Joe but when you have no defense that is your only alternative.

  38. I think a great photo op for the mayor would be to take a February
    plunge in the river shown in the posted photo (after we throw him in). That would show his authentic dedication to his rhetoric.

  39. It is TIME for a CHANGE.

  40. It is time for a PLUNGE

  41. Isn't Tamara Lee-Brooks the info office for Rick Pollitt?

    If so, interesting, and Sarah Lake, the disgraced reporter too.


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