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Sunday, February 10, 2013


A handicapped woman in western Ohio has to battle the freezing winter weather this weekend because she refused to allow the local power company to install a “smart meter” on her property.

Brenda Hawk has a pacemaker for her heart and because her brain was injured in a car accident, she requires a breathing machine in order to sleep at night. She does not want the new radio-frequency emitting meter because of the health problems these devices have been said to cause. But American Electric Power AEP-Ohio, the local power company, has persisted in their push to swap out Hawk’s analog meter and replace it with the new one.

TheBlaze spoke with Hawk on Saturday. At the time, she was using a kerosene heater to stay warm in the freezing weather. Hawk gave us a basic timeline on the story.



  1. Maybe she should have thought about her need for electricity before making her stand...

  2. As much as i hate them it IS there property, time for you too buy some solar panels and a lot of them.

  3. Maybe she should have thought about her need for electricity before making her stand...

    February 10, 2013 at 8:56 PM

    Maybe you should have thought about using common sense along with some backbone and personal and property rights before you thought about critizing her on making HER stand on things that affect her that she does not like and that will affect her health and rights before YOU mouth off trying to be a know it all wise ass.

    Did I leave anything out?

  4. She has a pacemaker, the smartmeters can mess it up just like a microwave oven can.

  5. Good for the power company.

  6. 11:07 , really?, good for the power company for forcing their will on homeowners and harming/killing them.

  7. lol, you guys rail about property rights. Yet it seems that the power company did nothing but stand up for their own rights to their property (the electrical equipment). Not to mention that the whole issue of RF's from smart meters and pacemakers has been pretty well studied. They pose very little if any risks. The only reason the power company doesn't outright say 'no it won't affect you" is because of liability issues.

  8. We are all going to get "smart meters" eventually. It is part of the government/big business big brother data tracking and control over the sheeple. Of course you will see the utility sponsored propaganda of how it's going to save sooo much money. Every INDEPENDENT study has shown it to be an increase in cost to the utility and consumer with any perceived economic benefits not matching the costs, not to mention equipment failures and health concerns. Some utilities included ones in MD are already penalizing people that still have the choice of refusal with higher cost electricity bills. Welcome to the brave new world.

  9. lol, you guys rail about property rights. Yet it seems that the power company did nothing but stand up for their own rights to their property (the electrical equipment). Not to mention that the whole issue of RF's from smart meters and pacemakers has been pretty well studied. They pose very little if any risks. The only reason the power company doesn't outright say 'no it won't affect you" is because of liability issues.

    February 11, 2013 at 7:40 AM

    IF you have READ the studies you mention, you would realize there ARE health risks associated with these so called 'smart meters'.

    Electric companies are a PUBLIC entity. They have certain rights, but more important, they have RESPONSIBILITIES as well.

    When will people begin to take responsibility for themselves?

    They don't care about anyone's health. They care about the bottom line, profits.

    When, and WHY, should electric companies rights trump the homeowners rights?

    You give in too easily and believe and support whatever any big company or official tells you.

    Others DO NOT.

  10. The smart meter causes high frequency ringing in my head. They should come with instructions on how to assemble a Tin Foil Hat!


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