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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gun Control Works

Well now...something completely different.


  1. And that's the gun control Obama wants.

  2. To all the libatards don't facts suck. The good thing is you'll will be the first ones to go.

  3. Do not register your guns. New gun laws also will give you an opportunity to buy unregistered guns the new regulations will also create a huge black market you will be able to buy whatever you want just like the criminals do.

  4. uh... 2 + 2 + 4.
    Writing on the wall.
    The U.S. Government under Obama regime control has purchased more weaponry and ammunition than any despot regime in HISTORY. All leading up to the most draconian, purposeless disarmament of it's citizenry under the guise/facade of public safety.
    Hmmm. Why?

  5. From fema camps to fema coffins.

  6. Anonymous said...
    To all the libatards don't facts suck. The good thing is you'll will be the first ones to go.

    February 28, 2013 at 9:34 PM

    I agree, they are to STUPID to realize they will be the first ones to be slaughtered by the government. Now you will get imbecils like Chuck Cook getting on here defending Obama and O'Malley and their anti gun bills.

  7. It's going to happen and I believe in our lifetime.

  8. Haven't heard from Alex.

  9. Leave Alex alone.... he's having a confusion meltdown about now realizing for the first time he and his liberal friends have been dooped... hoodwinked by the communist Obama.

  10. It's going to happen and I believe in our lifetime.

    February 28, 2013 at 11:21 PM

    I believe this generation will not pass until ALL things are fulfilled.

    The government does not care if you protect yourself from criminals or if the criminal kills you.

    They don't want anyone to have the ability to defend themselves from GOVERNMENT.

    The government knows what is coming just as well as we do. And they are preparing for it. Almost 2 billion in stockpiled ammo. What does anyone think that is for? Police training? Target practice?

    It is to quell the coming civil unrest. They know it, we know it.

    They want to limit not only the possession of firearms, but now the ammo to such firearms.

    Then they can steamroll right over us. So they think.

    Big government has forgotten who they work for. Where their power comes from. And obviously they have forgotten the very reasons this country was built in the first place.

    It was to end the oppression from the british.

    Now, the government has become 18th century british.

    They will meet the same fate.

  11. I am amazed at how many people talk so much trash on here. When they government goons come for your guns you p..... will roll right over and hand them over to them!
    no fighting no repercussions just alot of whining and crying!


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