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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gun Control Foes From Around The World Flood Lawmakers' In-Boxes

A Linthicum delegate received thousands of emails about the Firearms Safety Act.

A Pasadena senator took 400 phone calls on the governor’s proposal.

Correspondence arrived from Texas, Florida, Arizona, Colorado — even Australia.

“Yanks, don’t let them take your guns,” encouraged one Aussie.

Legislators are being flooded with emails, phone calls and letters opposing Gov. Martin O’Malley’s bill to ban assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition clips. Still, legislators said only a minority of the correspondence is from Anne Arundel County voters.



  1. Can someone please inform the "Gazette" that Bill 281 was tossed at the wall first? The letters against FOLLOWED?

    The claim that "“I don’t know if the people concerned with gun safety aren’t paying attention or what,” she said. “We’re not hearing from them.”" is insanity or not, but My letter included suggestions on mental health issues and the abolishment of gun free zones.

    I guess they chose not to read all of the mail, or any, for that matter. After all, they don't read the bills before passing them, so why should they read from us commoners?

    I'm pissed!

  2. high-capacity ammunition clips.

    Do they mean magazines? Big difference.

  3. If the Democrats strip us of the second amendment. It might get bloody.

  4. Not might 8:08, DHS and assorted alphabet gov police agencies have'nt purchased 1 billion plus hollow points for target practice.


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