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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Buried at West Point

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, the no-nonsense Desert Storm commander famously nicknamed "Stormin' Norman," graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, soaking up its values: "Duty, Honor, Country."

He married here. He taught here. And on Thursday he was buried here.

His family and friends joined Kuwaiti officials, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Vice President Dick Cheney, gray clad cadets and a detail of New Jersey state troopers for a memorial service in the academy's gothic chapel Thursday afternoon. His remains were buried afterward at the cemetery on the grounds of the storied military institution.

"Norman Schwarzkopf, Class of '56, has come home," Powell said during the service.



  1. To use a word that has lately been a bit too freely bandied about, this man is a true American hero. I only wish he was at the helm during 'Nam - it would certainly be a completely different world today. May his soul rest in peace, may his spirit live on forever.

  2. Where was Obammy?


  3. 3-1-13
    To my 2:11 A.M. brother,Well Stated. I served under as you W. Westmoreland. Colin Powell was a Battalion Sgt. Major.
    I left Crisfield with a young mans' adventurous mind-set and arriving in Country reality proved to be a nightmare thanks to the above. I followed the Iraqi Campaign and upon reflecting on that experience knew the qualifications as a forward commander was Shwartzkofs' forte.
    I, as you would have enjoyed the esprit de cor and peace of mind serving under an accomplished senior officer such as him.
    Incompetance seemed to be the rule in our outfit resulting in acceptable losses (I bet you've heard that before)and a notification detail back home who witnessed the grief and disbelief of Fathers And Mothers first hand.
    People in this country talk of trouble...they don't know what trouble is...a line soldier DOES.
    I'm rendering now one last salute to him as the ARs specify and require upon demise.
    I'm not a religious man but I am certain for his regard for a lowly corporal such as I garners a SPECIAL place for men like him and Douglas McArthur.
    Infantry Cpl. J.R. Aswell
    101st Airbourne/Air Assault

  4. What a great man he was, R.I.P.


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