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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

For Second Time, DMV Denies ICUHAJI License Plate


An Iraq war veteran's quest to recover personalized license plates that some Arab Americans found offensive is not over.

After a judge ruled in November that the Department of Motor Vehicles couldn't deny a tag on the grounds that it denigrated individuals of a particular nationality, the state has come up with a new reason to revoke Sean Bujno's ICUHAJI plate.

In a letter from the DMV to Bujno, the agency said the tag - it can be read, "I see you, haji" - condones or encourages violence and is obscene or otherwise vulgar in nature.



  1. Maybe we should have a few thousand bumper stickers printed up.

  2. I saw a nice one on a green bucket truck around town, it showed the Twin towers burning and said "Everything I needed to know about Muslims, I learned on 911", great that a business owner is not afraid to excersice his 1st. ammendment rights of free speech!


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