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Monday, February 18, 2013

Federal Pay Freeze Extension

The House voted Friday to extend the federal pay freeze through the end of the fiscal year. Republicans supporters said it would save $11 billion. Democratic opponents accused the GOP of anti-government bias and said Congress should be focusing on stopping sequestration. The freeze would affect only raises based on cost-of-living adjustments and not merit or longevity raises. The bill has little chance of making it through the Senate.


  1. There should be a freeze on all government wages for merit or any other reason for at least the next 15 years. Then maybe their (The feds) wages will start to fall in line with reality.

  2. 645 don't get caught up in the anti-gov worker hype. Yes, fed. worker wages for low skill jobs such as the cleanup and food services crews are higher than their private sector counterparts. But for the folks with advanced skills/degree, wages are actually lower compared to the private sector.

  3. 7:04 - I've seen a bunch of these "advanced skills/degree" folks - they are living proof that passing a certification test is not the same as being qualified to do what you are doing. Their wages are significantly too high for their motivation, skills, and abilities....

  4. You all are really really dumb...

    I guess you didn't know and it is apparent you don't know,so I will share...

    Ask yourself this question:
    Why do you not hear about the senators and the like, crying over this supposedly pay freeze?

    Well here is the answer... The govt officials being that of senate or the house will get paid in the end NO MATTER WHAT... there is a law or clause or legal statement somewhere which states: that govt employees like senators and the house will get paid and get back-pay and possible with interest once payments resume... so in the end we are paying more for them to have their pay freeze...

    In fact they want it to freeze for this purpose...

  5. Lock and load, Kids...

  6. Anonymous said...
    You all are really really dumb...

    I guess you didn't know and it is apparent you don't know,so I will share...

    Ask yourself this question:
    Why do you not hear about the senators and the like, crying over this supposedly pay freeze?

    Well here is the answer... The govt officials being that of senate or the house will get paid in the end NO MATTER WHAT... there is a law or clause or legal statement somewhere which states: that govt employees like senators and the house will get paid and get back-pay and possible with interest once payments resume... so in the end we are paying more for them to have their pay freeze...

    In fact they want it to freeze for this purpose...

    February 19, 2013 at 4:48 PM

    lol I am convinced you are using drugs. And I think you are the same one on different threads spewing your nonsense everywhere you go.

    Yup, you're right. Everyone else is stupid and you are right about everything you say. lol.

    Are YOU related to Alex or are you Alex using anonymous to take some of the heat off of you?



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