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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

'Fat Letters' Sent Home To Students Cause A Stir

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. – Schools in North Andover are trying help students dealing with obesity issues, but some families say the schools are going too far.

Cameron Watson, 10, isn't just a strong athlete; he's also a tough fourth grader who didn't let a “fat letter” sent to his home get him down.

“I know I’m not obese so I didn’t really care about the letter. I just crumpled it up,” Cam Watson said.

The letters were sent to plenty of homes throughout the Commonwealth.



  1. Schools are there to educate not to get involved in personal matters. Also, students should not be receiving letters about their weight until everyone on the board of education, administration and faculty has a perfect BMI! Hypocrites!

  2. How are people getting so fat these days?I can't afford to even buy cart full of food now.

  3. I don't know...I think I would probably know it if I had a fat kid. I wouldn't need some busybody pointing it out.

  4. When are they going to start sending STUPID letters to liberals that are intellectually deficient, I could support that.


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