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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Even Smokey The Bear Could Feel The Effects Of Sequestration

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar drew a picture of overflowing trash cans, locked restrooms and disappearing rangers in national parks. That is, if people could get into the parks during reduced hours. Salazar warned, it could all happen under sequestration. He said $112 million in cuts to the Park Service would be draconian. He said large areas of the nation's nearly 400 parks would be blocked off to the public.


  1. So what. Obama's got gas prices so high most people can't afford to go there anyway. Now show us the numbers of decreased traffic in the parks the last 4 years!

  2. Its hard to beleive our government is so efficient that it cant even find 2% waste to cut.

    We have $16,000,000,000,000 in debt people. Our budget this year is just under 4 trillion. If we really cant reduce our spending 2% we are simply screwed. I don't know how else to say it.

  3. We won't miss anything in these cuts! Maybe, just maybe, there will spend wisely and not waste it on crazy crap!

  4. He DOES understand that the public parks BELONG to the public, right? Now, "we, the people" need their PERMISSION to go on land that WE were taxed for? We shouldn't have to pass any muster or be "approved" to walk ANYWHERE in a PUBLIC PARK. Public Masters are everywhere. Where have all the public SERVANTS gone???

  5. First off, this is PROPAGANDA! Sequestration cuts off most of the spending INCREASES! That means the park service will still receive the same amount of funding as last year, but with a smaller raise! GET IT? This is true ACROSS THE BOARD.

    Please don't help them spread their propaganda. It makes us all look bad.


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