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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Since delivering his headline-grabbing speech at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast, Dr. Benjamin Carson has been a busy man.

The neurosurgeon, renowned for his stellar medical career, is now receiving an elevated level of attention. Carson’s pointed speech addressed a plethora of social and political issues from a conservative perspective — and it was delivered just feet away from President Barack Obama. In an interview with TheBlaze on Wednesday, Carson shared his motivation for delivering the message, the president’s reaction to it and his views about the purportedly unspoken rule that African Americans should refrain from criticizing Obama.

Considering the subjects he covered in the keynote address — political correctness, health care, taxation and education policy — some observers wondered whether Carson was using the address as a platform to launch a future political career. When asked about this, he skirted a discussion about future political prospects, but he did say that the motivating factor behind his message was an intense love for America.



  1. Incredibly hilarious to me that just because a group of people happens to not agree with your stance, it's all because "they aren't thinking for themselves". No sir, maybe we just happen to disagree.

  2. 6:35, When 90+% of African Americans voted for Obama this in itself is proof that they voted on emotion as opposed to the issues.
    Even before politics Obama's private sector history reveals a total lack of concern for African Americans. Many have faced foreclosure and/or bankruptcy (chicago) as a direct result of Obama's actions due to his efforts which changed the lending system. He preyed on people causing them to borrow money they could not ever pay back.
    As a politician Obama has not ever and continues to not address major problems within the black communities-povery, crime, unemployment just to name a few.
    Obama tears down and insults the black communities by not giving them the credit and confidence that they can overcome hurdles. He teaches that hurdles are a form of confinement.
    There is a great letter in today's DT's outlining that it was the republicans who fought for abolition of slavery and civil rights. To this day the democrats are keeping a hugh number of the black population in a form of slavery by still seeing them as second class citizens unable to care for themselves and making them believe that handouts from the government are a good thing. This has created a cycle of poverty that needs to be broken.

  3. 8:13 I agree with most of your post except I would change the wording in the first sentence "they voted on emotion" to "they voted abandoning all common sense to vote for a half black man as opposed to a white man that could help their plight in America.

  4. Obama stint as a "community organizer" was nothing more than him lobbying for what amounted to legal predatory lending. He preyed on people's dream of homeownership and their lack of knowledge of the intricacies and complex nature of mortgage matters. This resulted in many foreclosures which African American communities were hit the hardest.
    By that time Obama was a US Senator who, while he was a direct cause of the crisis, voted to bail out his banking buddies instead of those who he fooled into thinking he was helping.
    Then to add insult to injury the homes were sold at foreclosure for pennies on the dollar to investors and those people who have managed to hold on to are underwater-paying for homes not worth nearly what they paid for them. Alot of the former homeowners are now renters who instead of having an investiment of their own are helping the landlord pay off theirs.
    There is no worse a person than one who preys on people who are less informed. He took advantage of people who lost out big time while his banker buddies scored majorly. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  5. obama will not stop until he turns this nation into complete poverty and a total communist country. He is nothing more than a liar, and a cheat. The only thing he can do is stand up and read a speech someone else wrote for him then make promises that can not be delivered. I think he thinks if he throws in some slang, and does "the walk" he'll get people who only want handouts not a handup to back every word that comes out of his mouth. The guy is a snake oil salesman and nothing more. He has no abilities and no intelligence in politics. He is nothing but a chicago thug in a suit (that we paid for).

  6. That wasn't the end of Obama the Preditor. The foreclosure epidemic had started in low income neighboorhoods and the inner cities long before it became a nationwide crisis. After he had perpetrated the great scam of the American Dream and homeownership his community organizing days were over. He then went to work as a foreclosure attoney (trustee appointed to oversee foreclosures) which resulted in tons of money being made for the lawfirm that employed him. He was throwing the same people out of their homes that he was previously seen as helping.
    A dear friend of Obama's, developer Tony Rezko benefitted dearly from buying these properties and subsidies from the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois to rehab them.
    Putting all other difficulties of Obama's aside, including his out of control, pathological lying, and he is not a good man.

  7. 12:26 says-"He is nothing but a chicago thug"

    I agree with most of what you said except for above-He's the thug's puppet. Everything he does is orchestrated by and benefits those who control him.
    For instance the food stamp expansion. That was done on the urging of the banks (food industry also) who get a fee (to the tune of billions) everytime those cards are swiped. The billions in contracts to these big banking companies would be better spent creating jobs and being put back into the state and local economies giving them help in boosting ecomomic developement.

  8. Obama has to go!!!


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