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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Do They Really Listen?

Senator Raskin purportedly playing computer chess while citizens were testifying yesterday. What a shameful disgrace to the office.


  1. Disgusting. Isn't he a Dem from Montgomery County?

  2. Did this occur during the Gun Control hearings?

  3. Tacking on to his disgracefulness, this clown is the lead sponsor for some sort of transgender rights bill.

    Yes people, you read it correctly - Transgender Rights! Of all the other important issues transpiring in Maryland, aggressively pursuing for transgender's rights is UNBELIEVABLY one of Raskin's top priorities during this session.

  4. no cause as a democrat he'll get re-elected no matter what he does! ain't maryland great?

  5. This should be copied and applied to facebook, he has no respect for taxpayers. This is all to common in politics today, no respect for the hand that feeds them! POS

    1. Where do you think this photo came from? It was posted on Facebook by Maryland Shall Issue group. It was posted not long after the picture was taken on Feb 6th.

  6. They all do this...party makes no difference.

  7. I'd like to see this image used by his next opponent. "When citizens wish to speak with Mr Raskin, he just ignores them. It's a better use of his time to play chess with a computer than listen to his constituents."

  8. Does this surprise anyone...if it does u better wake up. I have been there when they be reading the paper during speeches and in one case a certain party that posts here from Annapolis was to meet with 5 people in regards to one of his bills and the party never showed up and not answer his phone and never offered a new meeting and when these 5 people left they seen a new group enter his office and noticed he came out of stairwell ???? Go fiqure....Waste of tax payers money these cases in Annapolis.

  9. If he can't be depended upon to listen at what is going on, take notes and actually make an informed decision he should be gone and so should the side kick looking on. I don't pay taxes for a much of fools to play games. They play enough games with my taxes and I'm sick of it.

  10. You know why Mack? It's because for most of them their minds are made up and in their pea brains we are just wasting their time. It's a shame because no matter anyone's stance on anything there is always something to be learned by listening.
    The very few I've had the displeasure of speaking with really don't want to hear what's on our minds anyway and want to talk themselves and end up rudely dominating the conversation so you can't get a word in edgewise even if you wanted to.

  11. 6:13 You are right, but I wanted them to prove me wrong and listen...dang I was right and they did not listen , nor did they care and life is still crappy in Md. and getting worse. 11 years can't come soon enough so I can retire and get out of here.

  12. 6:13 is right. Most of the state senators actually do have their minds made up and could care less about the opinions of citizens.
    They "pretend" they are listening during their campaign and will promise you the world, but once they win they will avoid you.
    As far as our local politicians, I spoke to McDermott and he seemed very sincere and cared about what I had to say compared to the others I spoke with who preferred to talk their rhetoric rather than listen to what I had to say.

  13. Yeah, I was playing computer games, but in my defense they were only common citizens speaking.

    I only act like I'm listening when other elected officials are speaking. Duh...


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