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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Debbie Campbell


  1. Thank you for your hard work Debbie!

  2. Thank you Debbie, you really care about the city and its voters. You are truly appreciated.
    Salisbury should be proud of you.

  3. Thank you Debbie, you really care about the city and its voters. You are truly appreciated.
    Salisbury should be proud of you.

  4. Without the watchdog that Debbie is, this city would be overtaxed without any thing to show for it.

  5. Thank you Debbie for all your hard work, especially having to deal with Ireton and his flunkies! Never fear, My vote will going for you this Tuesday and later for you and Joe in April!

  6. Debbie Campbell is a local hero, just imagine what she had to deal with before Terry got voted in, we are very lucky that Debbie had the backbone to endure all that crap from Tighlman, Dunn, Cathcart and Comegys and stick her neck out for the city taxpayers and city employees.

    Thank you Debbie!

  7. Everyone from our church is voting for Debbie, as well as everyone in our neighborhood community crime watch association.

  8. Wasn't it also Debbie Campbell that found the $200,000 mistake in the grant application Ireton and Hoppes tried to slip past the council? If not for Debbie the taxpayers would have been bleeding another $200,000. She has done that time and time again.

  9. If voters don't re-elect Campbell, they deserve another double digit tax hike and to have their water/sewer bills doubled.

  10. 5:09,

    It was $400,000. If she hadn't found it the taxpayers would have been on the hook for it.

  11. Vote Campbell! If you are allowed 2 votes, vote for Campbell only.

  12. As much as Debbie has had to put up with, if we don't get her elected again we all need to put for sale signs in our yards. Everything is for sale at a price, just ask Ireton how much it cost to sell his soul to the devil.

    I refuse to get fooled again by another Louwesal and Mitchell.

  13. If people ONLY KNEW the TRUTH about what Ireton has put Debbie Campbell through, and Terry Cohen and Tim Spies too! Expect more RETRIBUTIONS!

    Jim screwed over a woman who took him into her family's life for over 20 years. Wow, make that two women because for a shorter period of time, he played "friend" to Terry Cohen and HER family. Then there's what he did to Tim Spies. Actually, we could make a LOOONNNNGGG list of the former friends this creep screwed over for his political aspirations.

    Debbie Campbell, I can't vote for you, darn it, but I respect you a huge amount. My wife and I remember the constant beatings you took from Mike Dunn, Gary Comegyx, Lynn Catcart and Shamie Shields. If we were on the battlefield together, I would trust you with my life.

    I will "tell a friend" to vote for you!

  14. I haven't heard of any negatives about Mr. Heath from anyone, however, why vote for someone else? When Debbie has been here for us when we needed her the most. I'll not be changing my vote for anyone.

  15. Debbie, I'm just outside the city limits and can't vote, but I will "tell a friend" to. I just mailed you and Joe checks for $100 each toward your campaigns. It's not as much as I'd like to afford, but I consider it an investment in my business' future.

  16. Voting for you tomorrow Debbie!


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