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Monday, February 25, 2013

Congressman Harris Calls On Senate & President Obama To Take Action On Sequester

WASHINGTON, DC—With President Obama’s sequester to take effect in a week, Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement calling on Senate Democrats and President Obama to take action to avoid the indiscriminant cuts. House Republicans have acted twice to replace President Obama’s sequester, while the Senate and President Obama have done nothing.

“House Republicans have already passed two bills that would offset President Obama’s sequester set to take effect on March 1. The Senate has failed to pass anything and in fact President Obama and Senate Democrats have failed to even put a plan forward. The House has done its job, the Senate and the President have not.

“The sequester was President Obama’s idea and was implemented because he insisted upon it. House Republicans realize the plan was not the best way to get federal spending under control and have since voted twice to replace it with more responsible cuts.

“Senate Democrats and President Obama have yet to propose a plan. Now, they are blaming Republicans instead of upholding their end of the deal – to find a responsible way to replace the sequester. The only mantra that has been floated is more taxes to fuel more runaway government spending. I believe prioritizing spending is a better way to reduce the deficit, and I do not support replacing spending cuts with another tax increase.

“Until Senate Democrats and President Obama come to the table with a serious plan that deals with out of control spending, like House Republicans have twice, President Obama’s sequester will go into effect.”


  1. Let er rip! This was Obummer's stupid plan, let him own it. Hopefully it will hit the low information Obamanites this time so they can start understanding what Obummer is doing to the rest of us. As for the terrible consequences to the military (blah blah blah), let them cut down on drone production which will eventually be used against us anyway.

  2. the prez and senate are STUPID! the whole sequester thing was the prez' idea and now him and his cronnies want to blame it on the republicans! dum and dummers trying to run the US in the ground.

  3. How about some real cuts to the bloated government not just a decrease in growth.The sequester is only a slow in growth.

  4. The cuts should happen. It's a small step forward in getting spending under control, but it is a start.

  5. He wants to call on Obama ,call the local golf resort.


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