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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Burger King Admits Some Beef In U.K. Contained Horse Meat, But None Sold To Diners

Despite taking its business elsewhere after a meat processing plant in Ireland was found to have beef mixed with horse meat, it seems Burger King didn’t move fast enough to insure its 100% beef patties stayed that way. The fast food chain admits that some of the beef from its supplier contained trace bits of horse DNA, but none of that meat made it into its restaurants.

The horse meat scare across the pond is shaking up a lot of consumers there, but Burger King is stressing the very important fact to its customers that although tests at the plant it got beef from had “very small trace levels” of horse DNA, all burgers taken from restaurants had tested negative. The beef that tested positive never left the plant and was never in danger of reaching stores.


  1. What's wrong with horse meat?

  2. I cannot trust them. The American people have been lied to by almost everyone, and now I don't trust anyone.

  3. Shop AND eat local, folks :)

  4. and this is why I'm fixing venison chili tonight. :)

  5. Where can I go to get some good horse meat now


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