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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Black Leaders: Gun Control is "Black People Control"

A number of African-American leaders joined together Friday to challenge the gun control proposals currently being considered on Capitol Hill, claiming gun control laws are inherently racist.

“There’s a direct correlation between gun control and black people control,” Stacy Swimp, president and CFO of the Frederick Douglass Society, said at the press conference sponsored by the Center for Urban Renewal and Education(CURE).

Swimp compared the call for universal background checks for gun purchase to the time when blacks were required to register with the government.

“The first gun laws were put into place to register black folks, to make sure that they would know who we were – that we could not defend ourselves,” Swimp said.



  1. ha ha ha I'll bet there will be all kinds of admonitions from the gun control crowd about "playing the race card."

  2. Gun control is people control.

  3. ...and in a country of idiots we need ppl control, and gun control.

  4. We are all in this together. One of Obama's favorite tactics is to keep us divided, rich against poor, white against black, democrat against republican, religious against secular, on and on. Taking away the right to defend ourselves is EVERYBODY's problem. There is not one type of person listed above that cannot be killed by some gun wielding deranged killer. A pair of scissors aint gonna be much help.


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