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Saturday, February 23, 2013

As Ireton Reflects On Accomplishments - Meanwhile - Salisbury/Wicomico Experiences Massive Business Closures - 87 Documented Business Fatalities

1. Sealy Upholster Co. - Salisbury, MD - best estimate 150+ employees
2. Field Container Corp. -Salisbury,MD - best estimate 150+ employees.
3. Dresser Industries/Haliburton - 500, 600 employees.
4. Shawnee Homes - 150 employees.
5. Salisbury Engineering - unknown no. employees - moved to DE.
6. Heinemann Electric - unknown no. employees.
7. Moore Business Forms - Snow Hill - 148 employees
8. Campbell Soup - Salisbury, MD facility - 604 employees.
9. Campbell Soup - Pocomoke, MD - Swanson Division - 245 employees.
10. Campbell Soup - Crisfield, MD - Mrs. Paul's Kitchen - 200           employees.
11. Montgomery Ward - Salisbury, MD - 110 employees.
12. Gant Shirt Factory - Salisbury, MD - 250 employees.
13. Jodi Shirt Co. - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees.
14. Delmar Sportswear - Delmar, MD - 90 employees.
15. Ford Laboratory - Salisbury, MD - 70 employees.
16. Grumman Corp. - Salisbury, MD - 401 employees.
17. Peninsula Press - Salisbury, MD - 45 employees.
18. Preston Trucking - Preston, MD - unknown - bankruptcy.
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood - Pocomoke, MD - 500 employees.
20. Ruddy Duck - Cambridge, MD - 100 employees.
21. Airpax Industries - Cambridge, MD - 500 employees, 1500 at peak.
22. Service Merchandise - Salisbury, MD - 25 employees.
23. Purity Bacon - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
24. ES Adkins Co. - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
25. Masten Home Center - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
26. Masten Home Center - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees.
27. 84 Lumber Co., Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
28. IMP-(MVP.com)- Salisbury, MD 40 employees.
29. Powellville Garment - Powellville, MD - 100 employees.
30. Food Depot - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees. Last of Old Mall
31. Ames - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11-14-01
32. Ames - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees
33. Crown Cork Seal - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
34. Central Tractor - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
35. Nanticoke Homes - Greenwood, DE - unknown employees
36. Stoney Point Decoy Factory - Crisfield, MD - 40 employees
37. Tyson Foods - Berlin, MD - 600 employees - closed 04/03
38. Black & Decker - Easton, MD - 1400 employees- closed 04/03
39. Pine Country Corp. - Pocomoke, MD - 35 employees - closed 10/03
40. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill - Princess Anne, MD - 40 employees.
41. Salisbury Steel Products - Salisbury, MD - 35 employees - closed 8/03
42. True Value Hardware - Salisbury, MD- unknown no. of employees.
43. Office Max - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
44. Helovet Pharma - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
45. Giant Food North - Salisbury, MD - 75 employees - closed 03/05.
46. Super Deep Discount Drugs - Salisbury, MD - unknown employees.
47. JV Wells, Inc. - Sharptown, MD - 100+ employees - large MD Timb. Co.
48. Nanticoke Seafood - Naticoke, MD - unknown no. of employees.
49. Islandic Seafood - Cambridge, MD - 300 employees - closed 3/07
50. Brunwick/Bayliner/Maxum - 180 employees - moved to N. Carolina
51. Americhem Inc. - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 10/07
52. Powerwave Technology - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees - closed 8-08
53. Oddi Atlantic - Salisbury, MD - 70 layoffs - closed 9/08
54. Invista Plant(DuPont) - Seaford, DE - 400 employees
55. Circuit City - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 01/09
56. Bob Smith Auto - Easton, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 3/09
57. Schaefer & Strohminger - Camb.,MD - unknown employees - cl.4/09
58. Boater's World - Salisbury, MD - 15 employees - closed 4/09
59. Boaters World - Denton, MD - 75 employees - closed 04/09
60. Saturn of Salisbury - Salisbury,MD - 15 employees - closed 05/09
61. Waterman's Seafood - Salisbury, MD-unknown employees-closed 4/09
62. Second National - Salisbury, MD - 500 employees - receivership
63. Southern States - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
64. Burke Equipment - Salisbury, MD - moved operation to Delmar, DE
65. Jack's Religious Gift Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees
66. Allied Building Products - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 01/11
67. Superfresh - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/11
68. Atlantic Bookstore - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 03/11
69. Southern States - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/10
70. The Gospel Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
71. Shelia's Craft & Party World - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
72. Benedict the Florist - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
73. The Bike Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
74. Sunroom Store - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - moved to Berlin,MD
75. Tex Mex - Salisbury, MD - Centre of Salisbury - unknown no employees
76. Pani Pit Pizza - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11.
77. Mombo Italiano - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
78.   Checkers - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
79.   Rugged Warehouse - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 10/11
80.   Acme - Twilley Center Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed FY08
81.   Barn None - Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
82.   Shoreland Freezers - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
83.   Salisbury Office Supply - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
84.   Cadmus - Easton, MD - 450 employees - closed 04/25/2009
85.   Navtrak - Northwood Ind. Park - 75 employees - closed 08/2012
86.   HBCS - Northwood Industrial Park, Salisbury - 250 employees
87.   American Paving Corp. - Eden, MD. - 65 employees


  1. Holy Cow - I remember seeing many of these former businesses.

    Wow - what is happening to our area?
    This is absolutely devastating!

  2. Just look at the number of businesses that SU has displaced; Dresser, Salisbury Office Supply, University Tire, Shoreland Freezers, Purity Bacon, Noland - and more. Isn't the college aware that it is the taxpayers that are picking up the expansion of this white elephant.

    1. Noland moved to the north end of Salisbury near Water Tower storage.

  3. I guess now you can add Zia's to this list. Is Stonecold still open near Old Navy? I think someone told me that had closed.

  4. Joe - have you considered contacting Bill O'Reilly or Gretta Van Sustern about what has happened to us locally. Even they would be astonished to see this economic devastation.

  5. This is just UNBELIEVABLE! I had no idea that there were this many businesses that have folded. Where did you get this information? I also recognise many of these.

  6. white elephant ?? it generates more high paying jobs that any if the defunct businesses whose vacant properties it acquired its a net economic generator

  7. did you go back for enough with some of these do not forget acme and grants on 50 and I think there was a horse stable downtown do not forget hat!!

  8. WOWEE!!! That sure is a MASSIVE amount of lost jobs, which also = a massive amount of jobless people who no longer have extra $$$ in their pockets to support Salisbury’s businesses.

    I was born in Camden, NJ many, MANY years ago when it was “Once Upon A Time” a thriving city with an abundance of jobs but is now 1 of the most impoverished & dangerous cities in the U.S. The following are a few of numerous dreadful facts about Camden located on Wikipedia’s website:

    ***Although once a thriving center for manufacturing and industry, Camden is perhaps best known for its struggles with urban dysfunction.
    ***Three Camden mayors have been jailed for corruption.
    ***In 2008, Camden had the highest crime rate in the U.S. with 2,333 violent crimes per 100,000 people while the national average was 455 per 100,000.
    ***Two out of every five residents are below the national poverty line.

    This may be Salisbury’s dismal fate in the VERY near future unless some SERIOUS changes are not made FAST in order for area businesses to once again become profitable & prosperous just as they were many, MANY years ago…”Once Upon A Time.”

  9. Responding to 8:49 -

    Yeah - but who is paying the salaries of those high paying jobs. The taxpayers money funding those positions doesn't materialize out of thin air.

    That is why our country finds itself in the predicament that it currently is in - and our deficit has escalated out of control.

  10. This is just great. I am about to graduate from SU and now I have to face this. I am so much in debt for my education and now this news.

  11. You can add Fox and Olive, Zia's and Aqua to that list. There are a lot more than 87, OK people time to use your brains and think of other businesses that I missed, I know there are a lot more. I haven't even had my coffee yet and thought of the above. Lets get this list as acurate as we can.

  12. icelandic seafood formerly coldwater seafood in cambridge closed because they bought other processing plants farther south for cheaper labor.icelandic stopped all of their business with nanticoke seafood which was about 80% of nanticokes production because they wouldn't sell the plant to icelandic for a lowball offer.

  13. I just noticed Thursday that Wonder Bread is no longer at their Main Street building in front of Wi-Middle school. Anyone know where they moved or did they just close up?

  14. Unfortunately, 9:00's situation is the dismal reality that most of America's youth & future generations face due to the SELFISHNESS & GREED of our current & former generations, which is...

    An ENORMOU$$$ amount of Financial Aid debt hangin' over their heads & that they'll be helplessly drowning in most of their lives in order to become well-educated & more intelligent with few decent jobs to apply for to pay it off once they earn their degrees. No wonder they are the most StReSsEd out age group in the U.S.

  15. 8:49am -- High paying jobs! You bet they are high paying jobs to those working there. Unfortunately, they choose to live outside Wicomico County but use our services -- roads, public safety, etc.

  16. Anonymous said...
    white elephant ?? it generates more high paying jobs that any if the defunct businesses whose vacant properties it acquired its a net economic generator

    February 23, 2013 at 8:49 AM

    That is correct. That was a dumb comment calling SU a white elephant. The college has been here many years and created many jobs. The college wasn't the cause of businesses like Dresser and Purity Bacon from going out of business they just bought the property. The negative of buying the property is it is no longer on the tax rolls however many more jobs have been brought to the area. I believe tuition and fees help buy the property and pays for some portion of the salaries. I welcome Salisbury University to Salisbury with open arms.

  17. Anonymous said...
    8:49am -- High paying jobs! You bet they are high paying jobs to those working there. Unfortunately, they choose to live outside Wicomico County but use our services -- roads, public safety, etc.

    February 23, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    I believe most of the employees live in Wicomico County as I know many that do. I don't know many that live within the city limits, but can you blame them. As soon as I sell my house I am moving out of the city.

  18. It is the mentality of people commenting - like 8:49 - that has literally bankrupted this country. Sooner or latter you have to 'pay the piper'. That is why the bond rating agencies have downgraded the US credit rating because they to are aware of the dire consequences of unrestrained deficit spending. Greece here we come.

  19. Anonymous said...
    I just noticed Thursday that Wonder Bread is no longer at their Main Street building in front of Wi-Middle school. Anyone know where they moved or did they just close up?

    February 23, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    Did you forget about the Hostess Twinkies ordeal?

  20. SU is a white elephant, YES! Open your books you frauds! Pay no taxes, closed financials, 7% increases of tuition every year, killing businesses by opening your own storefronts on campus, forcing areas businesses to use your gully cards where you make more in fees that they do, state and fed subsidies, you protest for the environment but close you eyes with peedue builds you a new building, worthless degrees from umes that you partner with, inflated budgets that lack any oversight, employee parking on handicapped spaces everyday, etc, etc. If it were not for the beach and all the beer you can drink, you would be done. Right now, you need to follow the lead of the community college who cars more about real education for real jobs, get a clue!

  21. Take a look at Easton, they have a couple of small Industrial parks that are full, I went to the newest of the two and thier are new buildings going up! Easton is going to be the the new center of the Eastern Shore if Salisbury doesn't start working to get new business here. Seems Jim and the gang would rather take time to plan dangerous bike lanes on RT 13 than address the real problems. I am a territory salesman for the Eastern Shore, I can say that Seaford and Easton are my two biggest money makers, Salisbury falls short with town like Cambridge, Federalsburge, Hurlock,Pokomoke Ect. Its a shame and all leadership. At one time people from surrounding towns came to Salisbury for work, now we (Salisbury citizens) are going to surrounding towns looking for work. So I leave you with this, if you are happy driving 50 miles from salisbury to work than vote for the current Mayor, If you want new jobs and a better Salisbury than vote for Joe Albero, because he is the man for the job, he is not looking to be Marylands Mator or a Delegate he just wants a better Salisbury!

  22. 9:14 - I'm pretty sure that Hostess owned Wonder Bread, and we all know what happened to Hostess.

  23. Responding to 9:07

    I will add these businesses to list and also 9:14's posting of Wonder Bread.

    Without the public - SBYnews could not have accumulated this data base. Also - we would to thank the workers of UPS and Federal Express for volunteering their help to accumulate this data base.

  24. I thought all of these closures were suppose to be avoided by implementation of the Stimulus Plan.

    So as the old Wendy's commercial use to go, 'SO SHOW ME THE BEEF'.
    What happened?

  25. 9:00 its going to be a long road for you. The best advice I can give you is belive in yourself belive in God work hard and don't make excuses and vote republican. Voting for free stuff will be your demise. Oh and learn to think for yourself don't belive everything you here.

  26. 8:49-You can not allow "all your eggs in one or 2 basket" syndrone without dire consequences when it comes to the economy.
    This can be looked at as the beginning of the economic down trend-too many business ran out the smaller employers and have become too big to fail.
    Allowing state (taxpayer funded) univerisites to become such hugh employers was an extremely short sighted blunder. Of course once again the blame can be placed directly on the shoulders of the democrats.
    The fact of the matter not everyone is college material nor does everyone have the means to pay for it. In a perfect world where money is no object yes everyone would be entitled to higher education but in the real world it doesn't work that way and now the chickens are coming home to roost with the college loan crisis (sallie mae) looming.

  27. I am an educator and have been thinking about this election. But the one thing that really gauls me is when the free press fails to disclose reality. So I going to vote for Joe Albero because I know this information to be the truth. All of the other MSM can gloss over these fatalities but I assure you that although these industries may be lost - they are not forgotton. Joe Albero is getting my vote.

  28. Joe, this is really good reporting.
    This type of reporting is why I keep coming back to this site. To ignore this data is to ignore reality.

  29. Another Wikipedia fact I stumbled upon today is that in 2010 Salisbury ranked 331st out of 368 cities in Maryland with a per capita income of $15,228, which equates to an approximate "Teensy-Weensy" amount of $380/week & $9.51/hr and these amounts are BEFORE taxes are deducted.

    I can only imagine what 2012's numbers are, and what 2013's numbers will be if the trend of Salisbury's businesses "magically disappearing" continues at a rapid pace in the future.

  30. Add O C Kabob (sp) Remember Wonder Bread and Twinkes people sold out..thats why there is no store on
    East Main.
    Flannerys moved for lack of support of our city.
    Buying GOLD shop on North Salisbury Blvd...same building Bradfords bakery,
    I am sure there are others.including the horse shoeing shop on main and division st,

  31. don't forget the businesses that closed in the Centre of Salisbury Mall Card And News Center, Sam Goody, The Arcade, Montgomery Ward,

  32. If any of you saw Jim's State of the City Address, funny how Ireton is now recognizing ALL of the things I have brought up in my campaign. JOBS, PERMITS, where have you been for the past FOUR YEARS Jimmy?

    I know of another major company that ranks in the top 10 job wise here in Salisbury is packing up and moving to Delaware. They let the City know 6 months ago and one of the executives stated they never once got a call from the Mayor to see if there was anything the City could do to keep them here.

    Sounds a LOT like Linens of the Week, which I do not believe is mentioned in this Post as one of the business closings.

    I have knocked on a LOT of doors and I have only had 4 people tell me they are voting for Jim Ireton.

    If you want exactly what you've had for the past 16 years, vote for Jim Ireton. If you want to see a massive and instant turn around you'll vote for Joe Albero.

    Many have told my friends, they may not like Joe Albero but they know I'd make a better Mayor.

    Is that what it's all about, you have to like the person running? Believe me, there will be a lot of department heads that won't like Joe Albero either but let me assure you of one thing, after one year of being in Office those who are stating they don't like me will LOVE the end results.

    As I stated yesterday, my Wife and I have sacrificed more than most couples will ever know to make this move, to do what is right and to help make Salisbury the greatest place on earth to live. We believe very strongly this can be done and what better piece of canvas is there than Salisbury. We have almost everything you can imagine to make Salisbury great.

    If you want $19 million a year in new taxes so you can have what Jim calls a clean river, vote for him. If the images I delivered to you yesterday aren't convincing evidence and proof its all a scam, vote for Jim.

    Joe Albero will END the DRAMA. Jim Ireton needs to be fired. Funny how he wants to make all of the Joe Albero changes NOW because it's an election year. Just where has Jim been these past 4 to 16 years? He knew what Barrie Tilghman hadn't done and sold all of us on the fact he was going to make it better. THINK, if you had hired a CEO under a four year contract and Salisbury was YOUR business, you've seen the pictures of the river. You've seen all the businesses leave the area. Come one now, would you actually sign the guy up for another term?

    Open your minds to a proven successful business man like myself and give me the next 2.5 years to turn things around. Believe me, they'll have someone waiting in the bull pen to run against me then but you need to open your minds to the right kind of change.

  33. How about O C Kabobs gone, Flannerys gone. The buying of GOLD store on North Salisbury Blvd., Bradfords Bakery in the same building and the Horse Shoeing place downtown on the corner of main and south division..:)


  35. Joe, the main quality a leader possesses is “Integrity.” A leader is usually someone who is assertive but also fair & humble and it is not a matter of a leader being “liked” by everyone, it’s a matter if a leader is worthy of--->”R-E-S-P-E-C-T.”

  36. I have seen so many PANHANDLERS on rt 13 by the MALL it dosn"t look good for visitors passing through Salisbury too see this.where is the ENFORCEMENT???

  37. To 10:38 Posting - We will be adding these businesses to the list also. Thank you very much for contributing to the information updates.

  38. You can add Sports Zone, The Connection, MN Flooring, Donut Connection... Just a few i can think of in the last 2 years.

  39. Joe I have to admit - our area has been decimated economically. I can vividly remember many of these businesses. Yet there has been virtually no coverage by any of the other MSM. This is really scary once you think about it. To think that such a large and substantial portion of our tax base has basicially evaporated and yet there has been no reporting with exception to SBYNEWS. To repair this condition is not to be left to amateurs - and I truly believe you are the man for the job.

  40. This is simply unbelievable! What is happening? Look at the vast number of employee displacements.

  41. 11:21 - I've also seen the pan handlers on Rte 13 near Wal-Mart & Salisbury Mall and usually give them a buck when they are next to my car at a stop light.
    What do you suggest "enforcement" do with them? I don't think they're doing anything illegal.

  42. The police need to crack down on the west-side thuggery and slumlords.

  43. Hey, 10:01 "educator!" "Gauls" instead of "galls?" "I going to vote for Joe Albero?" Whom and where are you "educating?"

  44. i travel to various businesses in my line of work and i can tell you there are Many other establishments that are on the brink of closing. the economy is bleeding fast and many of the current leaders are not paying real attention. i'm convinced they are Not up for the job even if they were paying attention.

    take a look at the small towns on Delmarva that are thriving and find out what they are doing to make it work. talk to their leaders and some of the business owners in these towns. how hard is it to do this??? the leaders we have here don't have a clue and don't want to have a clue; so off with their heads and move on to higher ground while we still can.

    Salisbury and the surrounding area could be the Jewel it once was and i am believing for it. hopefully the city (under Joe's leadership) and the county can work together and make the changes that need to be made to help us have a prosperous and thriving economy once again.

  45. Andy Berges says...

    Queensgirl, NOBODY is perfect & EVERYBODY mistakes, which is the reason why NO ONE should be condescending.

  46. Andy Berges says...

    This issue among many, MANY others are the reason Ireton MUST answer some questions of Salisbury's residents/voters prior to the election regarding crucial issues.
    All that I have seen or heard from Ireton is his statements publicized by the local MSM without him having to answer any questions in regards to his statements as though everyone is to believe that everything Ireton is stating to be true & factual.
    Does anyone else see something WRONG about that or is it just me???

  47. Joe,

    Lets lay the trash problem with LOW LIVES that do it, It comes from the ZOO everybody knows who it is,Its the dirtbags that have BBQ during the spring and summer and they are NOT held Accountable for there clean up, There needs to be more Enforcement from the police department like a $500.00 fine, i am sick and fed up looking at trash at the ZOO and river and downtown, Where is the Mayors Leadership ???THERE IS NONE, He is ALL Smoke and Mirrors.

  48. Responding to Queensgirl52

    I am the educational administrator that posted the 10:01 comment about voting for Joe.

    I should have edited the grammar better but I responded using my cell phone. Unfortunately the auto-correct makes it very difficult to enter data with such a small keyboard. Sorry

  49. It would be interesting to extrapolate - using this informational data - and compute the estimated losses in federal/state/local income tax collections. I would bet you that number would prove to an enormous figure.

  50. To 11:55 - I also have seen more panhandlers at RT50 & McDonalds, and, Chic-fil-a. I have seen panhandlers at the Gordy Tigermart near K-mart almost everyday. I have never witnessed this many panhandlers around here before. Just a few days ago I saw a Salisbury City police officer pull over in the middle of the intersection at the Centre of Salisbury Mall entrance and scold a panhandler operating at the stop light.

  51. I think a list should also be put up of all the business that has opened since the start of those that closed. Hell, the new mall wasnt built before some of those closings!

  52. Salisbury has been looking like ONE BIG HOMELESS SHELTER x 4 yrs and its getting worse.

  53. Rules and regulations can put a business out of business. Take the health department. They nit pic on things that dont have anything to do with food safety. If they would take their time and train the kitchen staff we wouldn't have as many problems. Restaurants suggest they have a new stainless hood???There is nothing wrong with the one they have. It is clean and in working condition. Restaurants can't afford these "nice" items. The health department can put a restaurant out of business for no real reason. Maybe with all the cut backs we will have less of them.
    If they could due their job and stop "nit picking" and take the time to educate.

  54. But look at all the thriving PAWN shops sprouting up left and right i n this area.

    It's not all bad!

  55. While everyone knows the Mayor is not responsible for all these closing the question he does need to be asked is what has he done to promote Salisbury as a business friendly city?
    He's the typical Democrat who is ignoring the big elephant in the room-lack of jobs. I don't think it will work in Salisbury. People don't want the proverbial bone thrown at them with things such as affordable housing. He's only doing that to get votes and using those people. Shanie goes right along with him instead of empowering her people in her district to say enough is enough and we are tired of crime and filthy neighborhoods and no jobs and paying off others mortgages, she just goes along with the ebb and flow of the Mayor.

  56. Joe,thats like DW Burt waiting for permits to finish a building.Its anti-business officials in these taxpayer funded jobs holding up progress.

  57. Salisbury's downtown is a joke. Joe, hope you can find someone like Michael Day to fix it.
    Downtown Berlin was once a ghost town, now it's thriving.

  58. 9:44-it was'nt "show me the beef".It was "Where's the beef"

  59. 3:15 is correct it is not all Iretons fault, some of the blame lies with the ones before him aka Barrie. The problem is he is following in her footsteps doing the same things she did that got us into this mess They are donating big buck to try to keep him in office. I have seen the list and the ones that have had their pockets padded by the city are the ones that are donating to Ireton.

  60. How about the businesses that have not closed but have laid off a bunch of folks from good paying jobs...Start with Perdue a couple of years ago - they let go of a big chunk of their IT and Finance departments...good jobs that contributed to the economy here - no replacement work here for the same salary / skill / experience level...and most of them were brought in from off the shore and orphaned here...can't sell their houses - now collecting unemployment - or left their places to be foreclosed on.

  61. Jim 2:24 What you been smokin'? Some crack? The Centre at Salisbury was built not long after Paul Martin hung up his reign as mayor. If that's where you want to start counting lets add English's, they had two restaurants here and a commissary, and we can add a whole lot more businesses. Hill's Martini's, Rick's place, Cactus Club, what was that hip-hop night club called way out on Northwood drive? There are many more, Johnny and Sammy's. Must I go on you moron?

  62. Everything will stay the same or worse if we don't go and vote!
    We can discuss as much as we want but vote! You stay home, you give a vote to the other side. Bad weather is not an excuse.

  63. Add Aquarius Irrigation Supply to the list, they were located behind ES Adkins blding and moved to Delmar last year.

  64. Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Unfinished Furniture, Salisbury Studio of Dance,

  65. 2:24 Jim where have you been. The new mall has been in existence now longer then the old mall was in. Might well as not called a mall any longer when Sears, Hechts left in 1990.

  66. I would have say that this post has definately struck a cord with Salisbury's voters. I to am fed up of being surrounded with things like independence cards, subsidized housing, free cell phones, three yrs of unemployment, disability, and then having to depend on being transported by Shore Transit. I am tired of being spoon fed pell grants in order to continue my education - and then being told that our area is underpriviledged because 1-5 is considered to be living in poverty. I really hope you win Joe because I have just about had enough of this crap from Ireton's administration. Ireton is for Ireton and could not give a rat's ---ss about me or my family. I hope Albero wins the election as it would be the best thing that could ever happen to Salisbury.

  67. Responding to Jim 2:24

    Joe - I think 2:24 is Jim Ireton posting on your site. It certainly sounds like Jim Ireton.

  68. Jim 2:24 Well I suggest you do your own list instead of suggesting someone else do a list up for you. I'm not one of your minions, so if you want something done, do it yourself or get one of your minions do it on city time JimBo. Pansy POS

  69. This list is not entirely accurate. Gruman is still open but as Labinal for one.


  70. hey bill you want to talk accurate, I guess jims clean river x 4 yrs age is accurate??? Oh i am sorry its going to be clean in the year 2020 What a space oddessy...LOL
    like Clint Eastwood would say "do you feel lucky punk".

  71. When a country loses its manufacturing base its technological edge also diminishes. That is what you are witnessing now - and why the Iranians, Syrians, Koreans now have drones. The chinese have taken it one step forward and will soon be putting a man on the moon.

    At the same time the US is trying to figure out if the US Postal service should start shutting down on Saturdays while the US refineries are abandoning facilities - (Hess, Valero). It's almost as if we are going back to using horse and buggies.

  72. There is a lot of truth to this photo. I was just commenting to my wife a few days ago about all of the panhandlers in and around Salisbury. One used to never see this many, particularly, around the Centre of Salisbury Mall. Now I know why there are so many and it is because there are no jobs.

  73. 8:28 - It's not only a matter of being jobless, but in most cases these homeless panhandlers are also alcoholics and/or drug addicts.

    Some type of housing/rehabilitation center is needed in Salisbury comparable to Diakonia's in West Ocean City in order to get these people off Salisbury's street corners & intersections or else the amount of homeless people will continue to multiply. The following is Diakonia's mission statement:

    "Diakonia is dedicated to building a foundation for those in crisis or who are homeless while maintaining their dignity and respect, providing hope and assistance and helping them change the direction of their lives, one step at a time."

  74. Didn't the state just give Salisbury $61,000 to help the homeless? What is Ireton going to blow that on?

    The homeless should relocate to Jimmy's neighborhood behind Parson's Cemetary.

  75. C&P Hardware, and wasn't there a White's Hardware downtown? This list is going to be longer than Business 13!

  76. Clarity is needed here a lot of these places closed when Barrie Tilghman was in office not Ireton, and Southern States burned down for just a few.

  77. If SU wants to continually brag about how much they do for this community, then they should put THEIR money where their mouth is. For example, when they have large building projects, etc., use LOCAL companies and contractors. Instead of foucsing on meeting minority percentages in their contracts, why not introduce a local percentage quota? That would truly "give back" to Salisbury.

  78. The local economy has been in shambles ever since Obama was elected to office. It doesn't look as though any amount of stimulus can overcome our stagnant local economy. So many houses being foreclosed upon and idle that the number is staggering.


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