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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Argentina Freezes Supermarket Prices To Halt Soaring Inflation; Chaos To Follow

Up until now, Argentina's descent into a hyperinflationary basket case, with a crashing currency and loss of outside funding was relatively moderate and controlled. All this is about to change. Today, in a futile attempt to halt inflation, the government of Cristina Kirchner announced a two-month price freeze on supermarket products. The price freeze applies to every product in all of the nation’s largest supermarkets — a group including Walmart, Carrefour, Coto, Jumbo, Disco and other large chains. The companies’ trade group, representing 70 percent of the Argentine supermarket sector, reached the accord with Commerce Secretary Guillermo Moreno, the government’s news agency Telam reported. As AP reports, "The commerce ministry wants consumers to keep receipts and complain to a hotline about any price hikes they see before April 1."

Perhaps they will. What consumers will certainly do is scramble into local stores to take advantage of artificially-controlled prices knowing very well they have two short months to stock up on perishable goods at today's prices, before the country's inflation comes soaring back, only this time many of the local stores will not be around as their profit margins implode and as owners, especially of foreign-based chains, make the prudent decision to get out of Dodge while the getting's good and before the next steps, including such measures as nationalization, in the escalation into a full out hyperinflationary collapse, are taken by Argentina's female ruler.



  1. This just means that the shelves in the stores will be empty. Stupid libtards!

  2. It can happen here before you know it. Start your prepping NOW if you haven't already.

  3. This is what happens when you keep printing money with nothing to back it up except government promises! Bernanke, pay attention...

  4. Because sooner or later, every country will realize that EVERYONE'S money is dirty paper with no real value, this scenario WILL begin to occur all over the planet. Hence the US governments purchase of millions of body bags (look it up), billions of rounds of high powered rifle ammo (look it up), and joint training of police and US military in our own cities, practicing suppression of civil disturbance. These are FACTS. What EXACTLY has to happen before you intellectually superior sheep start to think that they are plannning (and PREPARING) for some bad things to happen here in the (previously) land of the free? What? Explain what it actually takes for you to admit the obvious....

  5. 9:33 you are right It's also why they want to disarm the people. No fema camp for my family.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    This is what happens when you keep printing money with nothing to back it up except government promises! Bernanke, pay attention...

    February 6, 2013 at 7:40 PM"

    Exactly. I just laugh right in the face of anyone so ill imformed to think the stock market is doing wonderful. I can't believe the ignorance that surrounds us. Yep, "sheeple", programmed to believe whatever they hear and follow blindly.

  7. Go to Infowars if you want to wake up stop watching FOX, CNN, ABC. Or any other goverment run news outlet.

  8. History will repeat itself time and time again. This is what we get for not learning from history. This stock market rally is the beginning of the REAL CRASH.


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